首页> 外文期刊>Physics of plasmas >Ratios of double-to-single photoionization cross sections of helium atom embedded in dense quantum plasmas at high nonrelativistic photon energies

Ratios of double-to-single photoionization cross sections of helium atom embedded in dense quantum plasmas at high nonrelativistic photon energies


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An investigation on the asymptotic ratios of double-to-single photoionization cross sections of the helium atom (He) embedded in dense quantum plasmas at very high nonrelativistic photon energies has been made. Exponential cosine-screened Coulomb potential has been used to represent the effective potential of a test charge in a dense quantum plasma. Making use of highly correlated wave functions for the ground states of He, results of the asymptotic ratios (R) of double-to-single photoionization cross sections for the screening parameter in the range [0,0.5] a.u. are reported. The reported value of R for the unscreened case confirms its established value. A comparative study of the behavior of R in weakly coupled plasmas and in dense quantum plasmas has also been made.
机译:研究了在非常高的非相对论光子能量下,嵌入在致密量子等离子体中的氦原子(He)的双至单光电离截面的渐近比。余弦筛选的指数库仑电势已被用来表示密集量子等离子体中测试电荷的有效电势。利用He的基态的高度相关的波函数,筛选参数在[0,0.5] a.u范围内的双至单光电离截面的渐近比(R)的结果。被报道。未筛选病例的R的报告值证实了其确定的值。还对R在弱耦合等离子体和密集量子等离子体中的行为进行了比较研究。



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