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Herbicidal effects under field conditions of Ailanthus altissima bark extract, which contains ailanthone


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Extracts of Ailanthus altissima stem bark were evaluated for herbicidal effects under field conditions in two outdoor trials. Previous investigations had shown A. altissima bark, extracted with methanol, yielded a strongly phytotoxic extract that contained ailanthone as one of the major herbicidal compounds. The first field trial investigated the level of activity and selectivity of the extract. A. altissima bark extract was sprayed post-emergence onto 17 species of weeds and crops at rates of 366, 177, 93, 47, 23, and 0 kg ha(-1). These application rates provided herbicidal activity equivalent to 4.5, 2.2, 1.1, 0.6, 0.3, and 0.0 kg of pure ailanthone per hectare, based on the results of a laboratory bioassay of extract and pure ailanthone. Strong herbicidal effects were observed within several days. Even the lowest rate caused mortality and injury in excess of 50% for nine of the 17 species, and a significant reduction in shoot biomass for 13 species. The second field trial tested the ability of bark extract to control weeds under field conditions with horticultural crops ( bush bean, cauliflower, sweet corn, tomato). A. altissima bark extract was sprayed post-emergence at rates of 99, 50, 26, 13, and 0 kg ha(-1), providing herbicidal activity equivalent to 1.1, 0.6, 0.3, 0.14, and 0.0 kg of pure ailanthone per hectare. Extract treatment provided partial weed control ( greatest reduction in weed biomass was 40%), but also caused serious crop injury. Bush bean was the only crop that showed a significant increase in shoot biomass and fruit yield, compared to the non-weeded control. None of the crops, regardless of application rate, showed a level of shoot biomass or fruit yield comparable to the hand-weeded control. The herbicidal effects of A. altissima bark extract declined within the first few weeks after application, supporting previous evidence that ailanthone is rapidly degraded under field conditions.
机译:在两项户外试验中,在田间条件下评估了臭椿茎皮提取物的除草效果。先前的研究表明,用甲醇提取的拟南芥树皮可产生强烈的植物毒性提取物,其中含有作为主要除草剂之一的蒽酮。第一次现场试验研究了提取物的活性和选择性。出苗后将A. altissima树皮提取物喷洒到17种杂草和农作物上,喷洒量分别为366、177、93、47、23和0 kg ha(-1)。根据提取物和纯异蒽酮的实验室生物测定结果,这些施用量提供的除草活性相当于每公顷4.5、2.2、1.1、0.6、0.3和0.0 kg纯异蒽酮。在几天内观察到强除草作用。即使是最低的比率,也导致17个物种中的9个物种的死亡和伤害超过50%,并且13个物种的茎生物量显着减少。第二项田间试验测试了树皮提取物在田间条件下对园艺作物(矮豆,花椰菜,甜玉米,番茄)防除杂草的能力。芽苗后以99、50、26、13和0 kg ha(-1)的比例喷洒A. altissima树皮提取物,提供的除草活性相当于每公斤1.1、0.6、0.3、0.14和0.0 kg纯艾兰酮公顷。提取物处理可部分控制杂草(杂草生物量最大减少40%),但也造成严重的农作物伤害。与非杂草对照相比,布什豆是唯一显示出茎生物量和果实产量显着增加的作物。不论施用量如何,没有一种农作物的苗生物量或果实产量可与手工杂草对照相比。施用后的最初几周,A。altissima树皮提取物的除草效果下降,这支持了先前的证据表明,在田间条件下,蒽酮会迅速降解。



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