
Noncircular converging flows in viscous gravity currents


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We study the filling of a dry region (cavity) within a viscous liquid layer on a horizontal plane. In our experiments the cavities are created by removable dams of various shapes surrounded by a silicon oil, and we measure the evolution of the cavity's boundaries after removal of the dams. Experimental runs with circular, equilateral triangular, and square dams result in circular collapse of the cavities. However, dams whose shapes lack these discrete rotational symmetries, for example, ellipses, rectangles, or isosceles triangles, do not lead to circular collapses. Instead, we find that near collapse the cavities have elongated oval shapes. The axes of these ovals shrink according to different power laws, so that while the cavity collapses to a point, the aspect ratio is increasing. The experimental setup is modeled within the lubrication approximation. As long as capillarity is negligible, the evolution of the fluid height is governed by a nonlinear diffusion equation. Numerical simulations of the experiments in this approximation show good agreement up to the time where the cavity is so small that surface tension can no longer be ignored. Nevertheless, the noncircular shape of the collapsing cavity cannot be due to surface tension which would tend to round the contours. These results are supplemented by numerical simulations of the evolution of contours which are initially circles distorted by small sinusoidal perturbations with wave numbers k greater than or equal to 2. These nonlinear stability calculations show that the circle is unstable in the presence of the mode k=2 and stable in its absence. The same conclusion is obtained from the linearized stability analysis of the front for the known self-similar solution for a circular cavity. [S1063-651X(98)04711-4]. [References: 18]
机译:我们研究在水平面上的粘性液体层内干燥区域(空腔)的填充。在我们的实验中,空腔由硅油围绕的各种形状的可移动坝形成,我们在拆除坝后测量了空腔边界的演变。使用圆形,等边三角形和正方形坝的实验运行会导致型腔的圆形塌陷。但是,形状不具有这些离散的旋转对称性(例如椭圆形,矩形或等腰三角形)的水坝不会导致圆形塌陷。取而代之的是,我们发现在接近坍塌的情况下,空腔具有细长的椭圆形形状。这些椭圆形的轴根据不同的幂定律收缩,因此,当空腔塌陷到一个点时,纵横比会增加。在润滑近似范围内对实验设置进行建模。只要毛细管现象可以忽略不计,流体高度的变化就由非线性扩散方程控制。在近似的情况下,实验的数值模拟显示出良好的一致性,直到腔体变得如此小以至于不能再忽略表面张力。然而,塌陷腔的非圆形形状不能归因于表面张力,该表面张力倾向于使轮廓变圆。这些结果通过轮廓的演化的数值模拟得到补充,该轮廓最初是由波数k大于或等于2的小正弦扰动使圆扭曲的。这些非线性稳定性计算表明,在模式k =的情况下,圆是不稳定的2,稳定无缺。对于已知的圆形空腔自相似解,可以从前部的线性稳定性分析中获得相同的结论。 [S1063-651X(98)04711-4]。 [参考:18]



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