
Relevance of chaos in numerical solutions of quantum billiards


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In this paper we have tested several general numerical methods in solving the quantum billiards, such as the boundary integral method (BIM) and the plane-wave decomposition method (PWDM). We performed extensive numerical investigations of these two methods in a variety of quantum billiards: integrable systems (circles, rectangles, and segments of a circular annulus), Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser systems (Robnik billiards), and fully chaotic systems (ergodic, such as a Bunimovich stadium, Sinai billiard, and cardiod billiard). We have analyzed the scaling of the average absolute value of the systematic error Delta E of the eigenenergy in units of the mean level spacing with the density of discretization b (which is the number of numerical nodes on the boundary within one de Broglie wavelength) and its relationship with the geometry and the classical dynamics. In contradistinction to the BIM, we find that in the PWDM the classical chaos is definitely relevant for the numerical accuracy at a fixed density of discretization b. We present evidence that it is not only the ergodicity that matters, but also the Lyapunov exponents and Kolmogorov entropy. We believe that this phenomenon is one manifestation of quantum chaos. [References: 47]
机译:在本文中,我们测试了解决量子台球的几种通用数值方法,例如边界积分法(BIM)和平面波分解法(PWDM)。我们在各种量子台球中对这两种方法进行了广泛的数值研究:可积系统(圆形,矩形和圆形环的分段),Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser系统(罗布尼克台球)和完全混沌系统(遍历,例如作为Bunimovich体育场,西奈台球和cardiod台球)。我们已经分析了本能的系统误差Delta E的平均绝对值的标度,以平均水平间距为单位,具有离散化的密度b(这是一个德布罗意波长内边界上数值节点的数量),并且它与几何和经典动力学的关系。与BIM相反,我们发现在PWDM中,在离散化b为固定密度的情况下,经典混沌与数值精度绝对相关。我们提供的证据表明,不仅遍历性至关重要,而且Lyapunov指数和Kolmogorov熵也很重要。我们认为,这种现象是量子混沌的一种表现。 [参考:47]



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