首页> 外文期刊>Plant and Soil >Site-level importance of broadleaf deciduous trees outweighs the legacy of high nitrogen (N) deposition on ecosystem N status of Central Appalachian red spruce forests

Site-level importance of broadleaf deciduous trees outweighs the legacy of high nitrogen (N) deposition on ecosystem N status of Central Appalachian red spruce forests


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Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition can influence forest ecosystem N status, and the resilience of forests to the effects of N deposition depends on a number of co-occurring environmental factors that regulate N retention or loss. In this study, we test the idea that N deposition may have important and long-lasting impacts on patterns of N cycling by using field and laboratory techniques to assess N status in seven high-elevation Central Appalachian red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) forests located at sites that historically received moderate to high inputs of N atmospheric deposition.
机译:大气氮(N)的沉积会影响森林生态系统的氮状况,而森林对氮沉积的影响的复原力取决于调节氮的保留或损失的许多同时发生的环境因素。在这项研究中,我们通过使用田间和实验室技术评估七种高海拔中阿巴拉契亚红云杉(Picea rubens Sarg。)森林中的氮素状况,测试了氮素沉积可能对氮素循环模式产生重要而持久的影响的想法。位于历史上曾接受中等至高输入N大气沉积的地点。



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