首页> 外文期刊>Plant and Soil >Stand composition, proximity to overstory trees and gradients of soil

Stand composition, proximity to overstory trees and gradients of soil


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We experimentally examined how variability in mixed forest stand composition, spatial relationships to dominant trees and their environmental correlates influence seedling emergence and survival. Fir seeds were placed at distances of 1 and 25 cm in each cardinal direction at the base of mature aspen and fir trees and in interspaces in aspen dominant, mixed and conifer dominant stands and in adjacent meadows. Fir seedling emergence, mortality, water relations and foliar nutrition were determined and soil moisture was measured. Subalpine fir germination was 9 and 13 fold greater, and seedling mortality was lower in aspen stands than mixed and conifer dominated stands. Germination was two-fold greater at the base of aspen trees compared to fir trees and stand interspaces and was significantly greater on the north side of aspen trees. Soil moisture was greatest in aspen dominated stands, with the highest soil moisture conditions occurring at the base of aspen trees and in interspaces. Fir seedlings had better water relations when growing next to aspen trees and had significantly higher foliar N and P in aspen stands. Aspen appear to facilitate fir establishment by creating favorable soil resource and light conditions that increase germination rates and seedling survival
机译:我们通过实验检查了混交林林分组成的变异性,与优势树的空间关系及其环境相关性如何影响幼苗的出苗和生存。在成熟的白杨和杉树的基部,以及在白杨显性,混交和针叶树显性林分以及相邻草甸中,在每个基本方向上分别将杉木种子置于1和25 cm的距离处。测定了杉木苗的出苗率,死亡率,水分关系和叶面营养,并测量了土壤湿度。与混合和针叶树为主的林分相比,亚高山冷杉的发芽率高9倍和13倍,白杨林的幼苗死亡率也较低。与杉树和林分空间相比,白杨树根部的发芽量大两倍,而在白杨树的北侧发芽量则大得多。在以白杨为主的林分中,土壤水分最大,其中最高的水分发生在白杨树的根部和间隙。在白杨树旁生长时,冷杉幼苗与水的关系更好,在白杨林中的叶面氮和磷明显更高。白杨似乎通过创造有利的土壤资源和光照条件来促进冷杉的建立,从而增加发芽率和幼苗存活



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