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Scaling properties of two-dimensional turbulence in wakes behind bluff bodies


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This paper contains an analysis of the scaling properties of two-dimensional (2D) turbulence obtained by means of numerical simulation using the vortex blob method. The flow under consideration is the turbulent wake behind a bluff body with a developed enstrophy cascade and reduced inverse energy cascade. The concept of extended self-similarity (ESS) and the associated relative scaling exponents <(zeta)over bar>(m,n)=zeta(n)/zeta(m) are invoked within the framework of 2D turbulence. The scaling exponents in the enstrophy range are found to systematically vary with the downstream distance from the obstacle, thus revealing their nonuniqueness. In terms of the relative exponents, the present results quantitatively agree with recent laboratory experiments of Gaudin et al. [PMMH-ESPCI Report No. A 96/57, 1996 (unpublished)]. Error bars and the accuracy of the ESS scaling are carefully checked.
机译:本文包含对二维(2D)湍流的缩放特性的分析,该二维湍流是通过使用涡流斑点法进行数值模拟而获得的。所考虑的流动是在钝体后面的湍流尾流,其涡流级联发达且逆能量级联减小。在2D湍流框架内调用扩展自相似(ESS)的概念以及相关的相对缩放指数<(ze,over bar)(m,n)= zeta(n)/ zeta(m)。发现在涡旋范围内的缩放指数随着与障碍物的下游距离而系统地变化,从而揭示了它们的不唯一性。在相对指数方面,目前的结果与高登等人的最新实验室实验在数量上吻合。 [PMMH-ESPCI报告第A 96/57号,1996年(未出版)]。仔细检查误差线和ESS标度的准确性。



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