
Entropy production and phase space volume contraction


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We inquire whether the connection between entropy production and phase space volume contraction rate reported recently for a class of thermostatted systems is an intrinsic property of a wide class of dynamical systems, or the result of the particular algorithm devised for thermostatting a system of interacting particles obeying, in the presence of nonequilibrium constraints, a time-reversible, dissipative dynamics. A nonequilibrium thermodynamics based on the balance equation for information entropy is developed for dissipative dynamical systems subjected, in addition, to a stochastic forcing. This latter accounts for the thermodynamic fluctuations accompanying the reduced description of the thermostat by a dissipative perturbation, for the interaction between the system and the external reservoirs or for perturbations of external origin. Entropy flux and entropy productionlike terms depending on the characteristics of the dynamics in phase space, particularly the rate of phase space volume contraction, are identified. Their connections with irreversible thermodynamics are explored. In particular, for thermostatted systems we find, without invoking an ad hoc conservation law between the system and the reservoir, that information entropy production is related to the opposite of the rate of phase space volume contraction to the second order in the distance from equilibrium. [References: 21]
机译:我们询问最近为一类恒温系统报告的熵产生与相空间体积收缩率之间的联系是一大类动力系统的固有性质,还是为使相互作用的粒子服从系统而恒温的特定算法的结果在存在非平衡约束的情况下,存在时间可逆的耗散动力学。针对耗散动力系统,还开发了基于随机信息强迫的基于信息熵平衡方程的非平衡热力学。后者解释了伴随通过耗散扰动而使恒温器的描述减少的热力学波动,系统与外部容器之间的相互作用或外部来源的扰动。确定了取决于相空间动力学特性的熵通量和类似于熵产生的项,尤其是相空间体积收缩率。探索了它们与不可逆热力学的联系。特别是,对于恒温系统,我们发现,在不调用系统与储层之间的临时守恒律的情况下,信息熵的产生与相平衡体积中相空间体积收缩率与二阶相反的速率有关。 [参考:21]



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