首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, E. Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics >Short grafted chains: Monte Carlo simulations of a model for monolayers of amphiphiles

Short grafted chains: Monte Carlo simulations of a model for monolayers of amphiphiles


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We present Monte Carlo simulations of a coarse-grained model for Langmuir monolayers of amphiphile molecules on a polar substrate. The molecules are modeled as chains of Lennard-Jones beads, with one slightly larger end bead confined in a planar surface. They are simulated in continuous space under conditions of constant pressure, using a simulation box of variable size and shape. The model exhibits a disordered phase (corresponding to the liquid expanded phase) and various ordered phases (corresponding to the condensed phases) with different types of tilt. We calculate the phase diagrams and characterize the different phases and phase transitions. The effect of varying the chain stiffness is also discussed. [References: 74]
机译:我们提出两亲分子在极性基质上的朗缪尔单分子层的粗粒度模型的蒙特卡罗模拟。这些分子被建模为Lennard-Jones珠链,其中一个稍大的端珠被限制在一个平面内。使用可变大小和形状的模拟盒,在恒定压力条件下对连续空间进行模拟。该模型显示出具有不同类型倾斜的无序相(对应于液体膨胀相)和各种有序相(对应于冷凝相)。我们计算相图并描述不同的相和相变。还讨论了改变链条刚度的效果。 [参考:74]



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