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Control of tiller growth of rice by OsSPL14 and strigolactones, which work in two independent pathways.


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The architecture of rice is greatly influenced by the growth of tillers, i.e. vegetative shoot branches. OsSPL14, a member of the SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) genes, and strigolactones (SLs) are known to suppress outgrowth of tiller buds. OsSPL14 also regulates panicle development. We show that OsSPL14 mRNA accumulates in leaf primordia during the vegetative phase and in the primordia of bracts, or modified leaves, in the panicles, but not in the meristems. OsSPL14 is a target of miR156, and accumulation of OsSPL14 transcripts is negatively regulated by miR156. The enhancement of the expression level of OsSPL14 by the introduction of the mOsSPL14 gene, in which the miR156 cleavage site is mutated, resulted in an increase in the plastochron, an acceleration of flowering and a decrease in tiller number in the wild type and in dwarf10-2, an SL-deficient mutant. Our analysis suggests that OsSPL14 and SLs function in parallel pathways to suppress tiller growth. SLs exuded from roots trigger germination of root parasitic plants that can cause severe damage to crop productivity. SL-deficient mutants, however, exhibit an excess branching phenotype which is usually undesirable for productivity. Our results indicate that OsSPL14 can be used to manipulate the branching patterns of SL-deficient mutants. We also confirmed that this strategy is applicable to Arabidopsis. A greater understanding of the OsSPL14 and SL pathways and their interactions may help in the production of root parasite-resistant crops.
机译:水稻的结构很大程度上受分of生长的影响,即营养枝条的生长。 OsSPL14是SQUAMOSA PROPERTER BINDING蛋白样(SPL)基因的成员,而strigolactones(SLs)则可抑制分er芽的生长。 OsSPL14还调节穗发育。我们显示OsSPL14 mRNA在营养期和叶片leaf片的原基,或在圆锥花序中的modified原基或修饰叶中积累,而在分生组织中不累积。 OsSPL14是miR156的靶标,并且mis156负调控OsSPL14转录本的积累。通过引入其中突变了miR156切割位点的mOsSPL14基因来增强OsSPL14的表达水平,导致野生型和矮型中的质膜同步性增加,开花加速和分till数减少10 -2,SL缺陷型突变体。我们的分析表明,OsSPL14和SLs在平行途径中发挥功能来抑制分till生长。从根部渗出的SL会触发根部寄生植物的发芽,从而可能严重损害作物的生产力。然而,缺乏SL的突变体表现出过量的分支表型,这通常是生产率所不希望的。我们的结果表明,OsSPL14可用于操纵SL缺陷型突变体的分支模式。我们还证实了该策略适用于拟南芥。对OsSPL14和SL途径及其相互作用的深入了解可能有助于生产抗根瘤的作物。



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