首页> 外文期刊>Physics of life reviews >On the expressiveness, validity and reproducibility of models of language evolution Comment on 'Modelling language evolution: Examples and predictions' by Tao Gong, Shuai Lan, and Menghan Zhang

On the expressiveness, validity and reproducibility of models of language evolution Comment on 'Modelling language evolution: Examples and predictions' by Tao Gong, Shuai Lan, and Menghan Zhang


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Simulation models of language evolution (SMoLE) as reviewed by Gong et al. [1] span a very promising field of research. They contribute substantially to a paradigmatic shift from synchronic to diachronic linguistics. Computer simulations also give access to systems whose dynamics is otherwise non-accessible or for which empirical data is out of reach. Simulation modelling may further help to bridge the gap between yet unrelated, though equally promising fields of research such as experimental semiotics [2], robotic experiments [3] and theories of grounding [4]. All of this is excellently reviewed and exemplified by Gong et al. [1]. In spite of this and related success stories, simulation models raise questions about their expressiveness, validity and reproducibility whose answers may foster future research in this area.
机译:Gong等人综述的语言进化模拟模型(SMoLE)。 [1]涵盖了非常有前途的研究领域。它们极大地促进了从共时语言到历时语言学的范式转变。计算机仿真还可以访问其动力学无法访问或无法获得经验数据的系统。仿真建模可能会进一步帮助弥合尚不相关的,尽管同样有希望的研究领域之间的鸿沟,例如实验符号学[2],机器人实验[3]和接地理论[4]。所有这些都被龚等人很好地回顾和举例说明。 [1]。尽管有这些成功案例和相关成功案例,仿真模型还是提出了有关其表达能力,有效性和可重复性的问题,其答案可能会促进该领域的未来研究。



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