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Female breakfast skippers display a disrupted cortisol rhythm and elevated blood pressure


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Chronic stress and over-activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may link breakfast skipping and poor cardiometabolic health. Missing the first major meal of the day in rodents prolongs elevated circulating corticosterone at a time when it's normally decreasing. To extend these findings to humans, we hypothesized that habitual breakfast skippers would display a similar pattern of circulating cortisol and alterations in meal and stress-induced cortisol reactions. Normal weight to obese women aged 18-45 years old who were strictly defined as either breakfast skippers (n = 30) or breakfast eaters (n = 35) were invited to participate in our study. Normal breakfast habits were maintained for the entire study period and each participant attended 4 lab visits. Over the first 2 lab visits, body composition, fasting clinical chemistries, and self-reports of chronic stress were assessed. On each of 2 additional days (lab visits 3 and 4), salivary free cortisol was measured at home upon waking and at bedtime, and in the lab in response to a standard lunch, ad libitum afternoon snack buffet, and stress and control (relaxation) tasks. The order of the control and stress test visits was randomized. While body weight, body composition, HOMA-IR, total and HDL cholesterol did not statistically differ (p > 0.05), both diastolic and systolic blood pressure was elevated (p < 0.01) and LDL cholesterol was lower (p = 0.04) in the breakfast skipper group. Compared to the breakfast eaters and on the control task visit only, breakfast skippers had higher circulating cortisol from arrival to midafternoon (p < 0.01) and during the snack buffet (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the lunch-induced cortisol reaction was larger in the 'skippers' (p = 0.03). On both stress and control visit days, the diurnal cortisol amplitude was significantly (p = 0.02) blunted in breakfast skippers. Self-reports of chronic stress did not differ between the groups. These data indicate that habitually skipping breakfast is associated with stress-independent over-activity in the HPA axis which, if prolonged, may increase risk (e.g., hypertension) for cardiometabolic disease in some people. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Inc.
机译:下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴的慢性应激和过度活动可能与不吃早餐和心脏代谢不良有关。在啮齿类动物中缺少一日中的第一顿大餐会延长循环皮质酮的升高,而正常情况下会升高。为了将这些发现扩展到人类,我们假设惯常的早餐船长会显示出类似的循环皮质醇模式以及进餐和压力诱发的皮质醇反应的改变。邀请年龄在18-45岁之间的肥胖妇女正常体重(严格定义为吃早餐的人(n = 30)或吃早餐的人(n = 35))参加我们的研究。在整个研究期间保持正常的早餐习惯,每位参与者参加了4次实验室访问。在最初的两次实验室访问中,评估了身体成分,禁食的临床化学和慢性应激的自我报告。在接下来的两天中(实验室访问3和4),每天在家醒来和就寝时测量唾液游离皮质醇,并在实验室中响应标准午餐,随意午餐自助餐以及压力和控制(放松) ) 任务。对照和压力测试访视的顺序是随机的。尽管体重,身体组成,HOMA-IR,总胆固醇和HDL胆固醇无统计学差异(p> 0.05),但舒张压和收缩压均升高(p <0.01),LDL胆固醇较低(p = 0.04)。早餐队长组。与吃早餐的人相比,仅在进行控制任务时,吃早餐的人从到达到下午中途的皮质醇水平较高(p <0.01)和自助午餐期间(p <0.05)。此外,午餐引起的皮质醇反应在“船长”中更大(p = 0.03)。在压力访视日和对照访视日,早餐船长的昼夜皮质醇幅度均显着减弱(p = 0.02)。两组之间慢性应激的自我报告没有差异。这些数据表明,习惯性地不吃早餐与HPA轴上与压力无关的过度活动有关,如果时间过长,可能会增加某些人发生心脏代谢疾病的风险(例如高血压)。 (C)2014由Elsevier Inc.发行



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