首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics >Representation of a complex Green function on a real basis: Integral representation - art. no. 062705

Representation of a complex Green function on a real basis: Integral representation - art. no. 062705

机译:真实表示复杂的Green函数:整体表示-艺术。没有。 062705

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We describe a decomposition of the resolvent G(E)=1/(E-H) into two parts, G(int)(E) and G(ext)(E), each of which can be computed, potentially, with moderate cost. Using an integral representation, G(int)(E) is built from a Hermitian Hamiltonian matrix constructed on a real discrete basis, and it incorporates the interaction in the interior region where the dynamics take place. The term G(ext)(E) takes into account the flux passing into the exterior region, and it can be replaced by a Pade approximant by means of a simple connection between G(int)(E) and G(ext)(E). We illustrate the method by application to the examples of photoionization of a hydrogen atom and scattering of a particle from a l/(l + r)(4) potential. [References: 13]
机译:我们描述了将分解物G(E)= 1 /(E-H)分解为两部分,即G(int)(E)和G(ext)(E),每个部分都可以用中等成本进行计算。 G(int)(E)使用积分表示法,由基于实离散构成的埃尔米特哈密顿矩阵构造而成,并且将交互作用纳入了发生动力学的内部区域。术语G(ext)(E)考虑了通入外部区域的通量,可以通过G(int)(E)和G(ext)(E)之间的简单连接将其替换为Pade近似值)。我们通过应用到氢原子的光电离和l /(l + r)(4)电势使粒子散射的示例来说明该方法。 [参考:13]



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