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Elucidating the controversial Drosera montana complex (Droseraceae): a taxonomic revision

机译:阐明有争议的Drosera montana复合体(Droseraceae):分类学修订

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The species of the affinity of Drosera montana (Droseraceae) are reviewed taxonomically and the complex is redefined to include only D. montana, D. tentaculata, D. tomentosa var. tomentosa, D. tomentosa var. glabrata, and D. spirocalyx. The latter is a newly described narrow endemic species from the Serra do Cipo in central Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The morphological characters distinguishing these five taxa from each other and from other similar species are discussed together with habitat and ecological information. Detailed illustrations, photographs, distribution maps and an identification key are provided. A lectotype for D. tomentosa is here designated.
机译:在分类学上审查了Drosera montana(Droseraceae)亲和性的物种,并将复合物重新定义为仅包括D. montana,D。tentaculata和D. tomentosa var。 Tomentosa,D。tomentosa变种glabrata和D. spirocalyx。后者是巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州中部Serra do Cipo的一种新近描述的狭特有种。讨论了区分这五个分类群和其他相似物种的形态特征,以及栖息地和生态信息。提供详细的插图,照片,分布图和识别码。这里指定了毛白僵菌的选型。



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