首页> 外文期刊>Phytotaxa >Xyloselinum laoticum (Umbelliferae), a new species from Laos, and taxonomic placement of the genus in the light of nrDNA ITS sequence analysis

Xyloselinum laoticum (Umbelliferae), a new species from Laos, and taxonomic placement of the genus in the light of nrDNA ITS sequence analysis

机译:来自老挝的新种木香木(Umbelliferae)和根据nrDNA ITS序列分析对该属的分类学定位

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A new species of Xyloselinum, X. laoticum, endemic to the Vientiane province of Laos, is described and illustrated. Similar to two previously described species of Xyloselinum from limestone ridges of Northern Vietnam, the new species is subshrub with 2-3 pinnatisect leaves having petiolulate basal segments and broadly lanceolate terminal segments, solitary or binary mericarp vallecular vittae, almost flat on the commissural side endosperm. The new species is more closer to X. vietnamense than to X. leonidii. Xyloselinum laoticum differs from X. vietnamense in irregularly toothed or laciniate terminal leaf segments without bladders on lower surface, solid (not fistulose) petioles, globose umbels and umbellets, almost glabrous (not densely covered by scattered short prickles) pedicels, always entire bracteoles, and conical (not shortly conical) stylopods. It is supported by the nrDNA ITS data that Xyloselinum is treated as an independent genus and placed in Selineae Clade together with some S and E Asian genera separated from Peucedanum s.l. or Ligusticum/Selinum complex.
机译:描述和说明了一种新种木糖木,X。laoticum,这是老挝万象省特有的。与先前描述的越南北部石灰岩山脊上的两种木糖浆物种相似,新物种是亚灌木,有2-3针状花序叶片,有叶状基部节段和宽披针形末端节段,单生或二元黑皮贝类瓣膜,在连合侧胚乳上几乎平坦。新物种更接近越南假单胞菌而不是利奥假单胞菌。 Xyloselinum laoticum与越南越桔的区别在于不规则齿状或具乳突的末端叶节,下表面无膀胱,实心(非瘘孔)的叶柄,球状伞形和伞形,几乎无毛(不被分散的短刺覆盖)花梗,总是整个小片,和圆锥形(不是短圆锥形)的节肢动物。 nrDNA ITS数据支持将木糖浆视为一个独立属,并与一些从Peucedanum s.l分离出的S和E亚洲属一起放在Selineae进化枝中。或女贞/ Selinum复合体。



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