首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics >Uncertainty reconciles complementarity with joint measurability - art. no. 034102

Uncertainty reconciles complementarity with joint measurability - art. no. 034102

机译:不确定性使互补性与联合可测量性相协调-艺术。没有。 034102

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The fundamental principles of complementarity and uncertainty are shown to be related to the possibility of joint unsharp measurements of pairs of noncommuting quantum observables. A joint measurement scheme for complementary observables is proposed. The measured observables are represented as positive operator valued measures (POVMs), whose intrinsic fuzziness parameters are found to satisfy an intriguing pay-off relation reflecting the complementarity. At the same time, this relation represents an instance of a Heisenberg uncertainty relation for measurement imprecisions. A model-independent consideration shows that this uncertainty relation is logically connected with the joint measurability of the POVMs in question. [References: 12]
机译:互补性和不确定性的基本原理被证明与对非交换量子可观察物对联合进行不清晰测量的可能性有关。提出了一种互补观测量的联合测量方案。测得的可观测值表示为正算子值度量(POVM),发现其内在模糊性参数满足反映互补性的吸引人的回报关系。同时,该关系表示测量不精确性的海森堡不确定性关系的一个实例。与模型无关的考虑表明,这种不确定性关系在逻辑上与所讨论的POVM的联合可测量性相关。 [参考:12]



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