首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A >Azimuthal asymmetry of the extracted electron in field ionization of a hydrogen atom with orbital angular momentum

Azimuthal asymmetry of the extracted electron in field ionization of a hydrogen atom with orbital angular momentum


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The tunneling ionization of an excited hydrogen atom by a static electric field E is investigated for the case where the initial electron has an orbital angular momentum L nonparallel to E. The outgoing electron has a nonzero mean transverse velocity < v(T)> in the direction of E x < L >. During this process the linear Stark effect makes < L > and < v(T)> oscillate or rotate about E. Measures of the asymmetry are calculated at leading order in E for an initial state 2P state. The generalization to coherent elliptic Rydberg states is outlined. A subset of these states whose classical Kepler ellipses rotate rigidly about E is particularly interesting for the observation of the asymmetry. The preparation of states with L nonparallel to E and the conditions to get a sizable v(T) asymmetry are discussed.
机译:对于初始电子具有与E不平行的轨道角动量L的情况,研究了由静电场E激发的氢原子的隧穿电离。在电子中,出射电子的平均横向速度为非零。 E x 的方向。在此过程中,线性斯塔克效应使振荡或围绕E旋转。对于初始状态2P状态,以E的前导顺序计算不对称性的度量。概述了相干椭圆里德伯格状态的一般化。对于不对称性的观察,其经典开普勒椭圆围绕E刚性旋转的这些状态的子集特别有趣。讨论了L与E不平行的状态的制备以及获得相当大的v(T)不对称性的条件。



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