首页> 外文期刊>Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology >Temporary hypoxia suppresses the oxidative burst and subsequent hypersensitive cell death in cells of tobacco and soybean challenged with zoospores of incompatible isolates of Phytophthora species

Temporary hypoxia suppresses the oxidative burst and subsequent hypersensitive cell death in cells of tobacco and soybean challenged with zoospores of incompatible isolates of Phytophthora species


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We studied the effect of temporary hypoxia on responses associated with disease resistance in cell suspensions of tobacco and soybean challenged with zoospores of compatible and incompatible races of Phytophthora nicotianae and Phytophthora sojae, respectively. Under normal atmospheric conditions both hosts respond to incompatible challenge with a burst of superoxide (O-2(-)) release beginning 6 h after inoculation, followed within 2 h by the onset of cell death. NBT staining reveals that O-2(-) is released around the point of contact between the pathogen and cell in both hosts. Hypoxia, imposed by incubating challenged cells under an atmosphere of nitrogen between 4 and 9 h after inoculation, abolishes the O-2(-) burst and cell death in both tobacco and soybean cells. Under these conditions normally incompatible pathogen races infect and colonize host cells, indicating a failure of resistance expression. Compatible interactions, and the viability of uninoculated cells of tobacco and soybean, are not affected by temporary hypoxia. These results strongly implicate a requirement for oxygen, O-2(-) release and hypersensitive cell death in the resistance of tobacco and soybean to incompatible pathogen races.
机译:我们研究了暂时缺氧对分别受烟草疫霉菌和大豆疫霉菌的游动孢子游动的烟草和大豆细胞悬液中抗病性相关反应的影响。在正常的大气条件下,两个宿主都应对不相容的挑战,在接种后6小时开始爆发超氧化物(O-2(-))爆发,然后在2小时内开始细胞死亡。 NBT染色显示O-2(-)在两个宿主中病原体和细胞之间的接触点附近释放。缺氧是在接种后4到9 h之间在氮气氛下孵育受攻击的细胞而造成的,从而消除了烟草和大豆细胞中O-2(-)的爆发和细胞死亡。在这些条件下,通常不相容的病原体会感染宿主细胞并定居,表明抗性表达失败。暂时缺氧不会影响兼容的相互作用以及未接种的烟草和大豆细胞的活力。这些结果强烈要求在烟草和大豆对不相容病原体种族的抗性中需要氧气,O-2(-)释放和超敏细胞死亡。



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