首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >How are antibacterials used in nursing homes? Results from a point-prevalence prescription study in 44 Norwegian nursing homes.

How are antibacterials used in nursing homes? Results from a point-prevalence prescription study in 44 Norwegian nursing homes.


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PURPOSE: To describe the use of antibacterials among nursing home residents in Norway according to diagnosis, therapy choice, doses and expected duration of treatment. METHODS: A one-day point-prevalence study was carried out in 44 Norwegian nursing homes, spring 2006. Use of systemic antibacterials was recorded by indication, antibiotic name, dose and expected length of treatment. RESULTS: Of the 1473 nursing home residents, 224 (15%) were prescribed antibiotics. 149 (10%) were given antibiotics as prophylaxis, while 85 residents (6%) were treated with an antibiotic for an infection. 10 residents received both prophylaxis and treatment simultaneously. Antibiotics for treatment were in 66% of the cases for urinary tract infections (UTI) and in 20% for respiratory tract infections (RTI) with pivmecillinam and phenoxymethylpenicillin most frequently used, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Antibiotics are often used in nursing homes, both as treatment and prophylaxis. The most common infections treated with antibiotics were UTIs, followed by RTIs. Choice of antibacterial, dosage and duration of treatment were in accordance with recommendations in guidelines.
机译:目的:根据诊断,治疗选择,剂量和预期治疗时间来描述挪威疗养院居民中抗菌药物的使用。方法:2006年春季,在挪威的44家养老院中进行了为期一天的流行病学研究。通过适应症,抗生素名称,剂量和预期治疗时间来记录全身性抗菌药物的使用。结果:在1473个疗养院居民中,有224个(15%)处方了抗生素。 149(10%)位患者接受了抗生素预防,而85位居民(6%)因感染而接受了抗生素治疗。 10名居民同时接受了预防和治疗。抗生素治疗的尿毒症感染(UTI)占66%,最常用的吡美西那和苯氧甲基青霉素的呼吸道感染(RTI)占20%。结论:抗生素在疗养院中经常被用作治疗和预防手段。用抗生素治疗的最常见感染是UTI,其次是RTI。抗菌药物,剂量和治疗时间的选择符合指南中的建议。



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