首页> 外文期刊>Physiologia plantarum >Analysis of fast chlorophyll fluorescence rise (O-K-J-I-P) curves in green fruits indicates electron flow limitations at the donor side of PSII and the acceptor sides of both photosystems

Analysis of fast chlorophyll fluorescence rise (O-K-J-I-P) curves in green fruits indicates electron flow limitations at the donor side of PSII and the acceptor sides of both photosystems


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Limited evidence up to now indicates low linear photosynthetic electron flow and CO2 assimilation rates in non-foliar chloroplasts. In this investigation, we used chlorophyll fluorescence techniques to locate possible limiting steps in photosystem function in exposed, non-stressed green fruits (both pericarps and seeds) of three species, while corresponding leaves served as controls. Compared with leaves, fruit photosynthesis was characterized by less photon trapping and less quantum yields of electron flow, while the non-photochemical quenching was higher and potentially linked to enhanced carotenoid/chlorophyll ratios. Analysis of fast chlorophyll fluorescence rise curves revealed possible limitations both in the donor (oxygen evolving complex) and the acceptor (Q(A)--> intermediate carriers) sides of photosystem II (PSII) indicating innately low PSII photochemical activity. On the other hand, PSI was characterized by faster reduction of its final electron acceptors and their small pool sizes. We argue that the fast reductive saturation of final PSI electron acceptors may divert electrons back to intermediate carriers facilitating a cyclic flow around PSI, while the partial inactivation of linear flow precludes strong reduction of plastoquinone. As such, the photosynthetic attributes of fruit chloroplasts may act to replenish the ATP lost because of hypoxia usually encountered in sink organs with high diffusive resistance to gas exchange.



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