首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >Role of key informants and direct patient interviews in epidemiological studies of substance abuse.

Role of key informants and direct patient interviews in epidemiological studies of substance abuse.


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PURPOSE: The present study was undertaken to assess the degree to which key informants' perceptions of relative abuse liability of opioids in their communities correspond to actual drug use in their patients. METHODS: Key informants (n = 49) and their patients (n = 738) were asked to complete anonymous, independent paper surveys about perceived or actual abuse of nine targeted opioid drugs: buprenorphine, fentanyl, heroin, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone and tramadol. RESULTS: There was a strong correspondence (R = 0.98) between KI rankings of relative abuse of opioids in their patient population and the actual rank order calculated from their patients' selection of a primary euphorigenic opioid. The patient surveys not only validated the KI's conclusions, but also provided a great deal of important information about the nature of the abuse patterns. Notably, significant co-morbidity was found in the patient population: 55% had a history of psychiatric problems; chronic pain of moderate intensity was common; 67% were nicotine dependent; and 43% were diagnosed alcoholics. DISCUSSION: Our results demonstrate that KI's perceived rank order of drugs of choice correlated almost perfectly with their patients' choice of a primary drug. These data suggest that key informants, as they have for decades in epidemiological research, provide a reliable, high-level view of substance abuse in their catchment area. As such, KIs provide valid and reliable information on scope and patterns of abuse, but if more detail is required about the characteristics of abuse, such as that required for FDA-mandated Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies, then direct interviews with the abusers themselves seem more appropriate.
机译:目的:进行本研究是为了评估关键告密者对其社区中阿片类药物相对滥用责任的理解与患者实际用药的对应程度。方法:要求主要信息提供者(n = 49)及其患者(n = 738)完成匿名,独立的纸质调查,以了解或实际滥用九种靶向阿片类药物:丁丙诺啡,芬太尼,海洛因,氢可酮,氢吗啡酮,美沙酮,吗啡,羟考酮和曲马多。结果:在他们的患者群体中,阿片类药物相对滥用的KI等级与根据患者选择的主要欣快类阿片类药物计算出的实际等级顺序之间有很强的对应性(R = 0.98)。病人调查不仅验证了KI的结论,而且还提供了有关滥用模式性质的大量重要信息。值得注意的是,在患者人群中发现了明显的合并症:55%有精神病史;中等强度的慢性疼痛是常见的; 67%为尼古丁依赖;和43%被诊断为酗酒者。讨论:我们的结果表明,KI所选择药物的等级顺序与患者对主要药物的选择几乎完全相关。这些数据表明,像流行病学研究一样,关键信息提供者多年来一直在其流域提供可靠,高水平的药物滥用信息。这样,KI就滥用的范围和模式提供了有效和可靠的信息,但是如果需要有关滥用特征的更多详细信息(例如FDA规定的风险评估和缓解策略所需的信息),那么似乎可以直接与滥用者进行面谈更合适。



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