首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >High incidence of reduced plasma HDL cholesterol in diabetic patients treated with rosiglitazone and fibrate.

High incidence of reduced plasma HDL cholesterol in diabetic patients treated with rosiglitazone and fibrate.


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BACKGROUND: A paradoxical plasma HDL-Cholesterol (HDL-C) reducing effect following combined fibrate and thiazolidinediones (TZDs) therapy was recently reported in occasional cases. As HDL-C level is inversely related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, we have studied the incidence of reduced HDL-C level following mono- and combined therapy with these drugs in a large diabetic population. METHODS: This study was designed as a retrospective 5-year study. Lipid profile records of 54 000 diabetic patients were searched for transient reduction of HDL-C to levels lower than 17 mg/dL, which was correlated with fibrates and/or TZD treatment. RESULTS: Transient reduction in plasma HDL-C to values lower than 17 mg/dL was observed in 0.02% (2/11 175) of the patients treated with fibrates alone, none of the rosiglitazone-treated patients (0/3213) and in 1.39% (9/649) of patients treated with combination of fibrate and TZD. HDL-C lowering effect was reversible upon stopping either fibrate or rosiglitazone and insome patients it occurred within 2 weeks. In two of the patients, the effect was dose-dependent. CONCLUSION: Severe reduction in plasma HDL-C is not rare when TZD and fibrates are co-administrated to diabetic hyperlipidemic patients. As low plasma HDL cholesterol is a risk factor for CVD, the physician should be alert to this phenomenon.
机译:背景:最近在偶发病例中报道了联合使用贝特类和噻唑烷二酮类药物(TZDs)治疗后,血浆HDL-胆固醇(HDL-C)降低的反常效应。由于HDL-C水平与心血管疾病(CVD)风险呈负相关,因此我们研究了在大量糖尿病人群中,单用或联合用这些药物治疗后HDL-C水平降低的发生率。方法:本研究设计为回顾性5年研究。搜索了54 000例糖尿病患者的血脂谱记录,以将HDL-C短暂降低至低于17 mg / dL的水平,这与贝特类药物和/或TZD治疗相关。结果:仅使用贝特类药物治疗的患者中,有0.02%(2/11 175)的患者血浆HDL-C瞬时降低至17 mg / dL以下,罗格列酮治疗的患者(0/3213)和未观察到血浆1.39%(9/649)的贝特类药物和TZD联合治疗的患者。停止使用贝特或罗格列酮后,HDL-C降低作用是可逆的,在某些患者中,这种作用在2周内发生。在两名患者中,该作用是剂量依赖性的。结论:将TZD和贝特类药物联合给予糖尿病高脂血症患者时,血浆HDL-C水平严重降低并不罕见。由于血浆HDL胆固醇低是CVD的危险因素,因此医师应警惕这种现象。



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