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Public Opinion and Democratic Decision Making in Nigeria




While“Public”referred to common interest and common good, it isalso usedinterchangeably to explain Public Opinion in democratic decision. Therefore, the term “Public” from the Latin wordPublicus meaning “the people”. In other words, it could be referred to “common access”with area open to the general population deemed public (Habermas, 1962,1989cited in the sage Handbook of Public Opinion Research 2007). Opinion was first considered as popular concept in democratic decision in the work of JeremyBentham. Bentham then was much concerned with people’s reaction to government policy with utmost benefits derivation. This writing is synonymous to Edmund Burke and John Stuart Mill.And these sets of analystsalso believe that certain people’s interests were more important to other in the society. The major concerned area of ourdiscussion focused on how to design workable preferences for able representation to triumph in the process of reliable policies that reflect the popular interest of citizen. In his discussion of descriptive representation, Stuart andChristopher narrowed down the contestable clauses of public opinion to some explicit adjectives while furtherstressing the focus of research on representative characters, such as the extent to which representative resemble the represented, interm of demographic characteristics, race, ethnicity, gender, language, sexual orientation and added to these in Nigeria is the experience of colonialism that loom large. A number of theories according to Stuart and Christopher referred to this type of representation as “microcosmic representation” cited Birth 1971, 2001. Public Opinion and democratic decision making in Nigeria governance and administration principally involved all the units, size, population and structure that composed federal government. The resources which serve as the life wire of the country are naturally available in abundance, such as limestone, coal, tin, columbite, iron, ore Gold, silver and zinc. The country also has natural gas and it is one of the world’s major producers of petroleum. Agricultural products also flourish well in most part of the country in relation to the types of crop and vegetable applicable to such environment, this explain why groundnut, beans, maize are well found in the North and firm product like palm oil, cocoa and coffee are also more available in the Southern part of Nigeria. The climates are of two distinct seasons, the dry season and the rainy season. In essence, the climate is equatorial in the South, tropical in the center and avid in the North of the Country. The country (Nigeria) of about 923,768 square kilometers is surrounded by or shared boundaries with five major countries with Cameroon (1690km) and Chad (87km) to the east, Benin (773km) to the west, Niger (1,496km) to the North and the Atlantic Ocean (853km) to the South. The country’s typical outlook and its natural characteristics had obviously conditioned its social and political stratification. Worthy of mention are about 250 different ethnic groups identified on the basis of distinct languages in the country of close to 20 million populations. The Hausa – Fulani in the northern part of the country are about 29 percent, the Yoruba in the West are 21 percent and the Igbo in the eastern part are 18 percent of the total population. Among these ethnic cleavages, there is religious interlude of predominantly Muslims among the Hausa – Fulani reside with exception of Middle belt in the north that are mixed up with Christians. The Yoruba in the South – West are comprised of Muslims and Christians while Igbo in the South – East are predominantly Christians. In a nutshell, 50 percent of the country are Muslims, 40 percent are Christians and the remaining 10 percent are traditional believers. Much of their public interest could be viewed on geographical contingencies: social,religion,economic and political affinity.Politicaladministrative set up involved three major levels of government which are Federal, State, and Local Government. The States in Nigeria comprises 36, with 774 Local Governments as well as 8,810 political wards within the ethnic groups aforementioned. In the aspect of power classification between the three levels of government i.e. Federal, State and Local Government, about 66 items were specified for Exclusive list, (meant for the Federal Government to legislate), 44 are concurrent meant for both Federal and State. The fiscal power sharing mechanisms which should guarantee the smooth and orderly running of government is frequently changing at the will and caprices of Federal Government discretion.
机译:“公共”一词指的是共同利益和共同利益,但在民主决策中也可以互换使用来解释民意。因此,拉丁语“ Publicus”中的“ Public”一词意为“人民”。换句话说,它可以被称为“公共通道”,该区域面向被视为公众的普通人群开放(Habermas,1962,1989,引用于《贤者手册》,《公共舆论研究》 2007)。在杰里米·边沁(JeremyBentham)的工作中,民意首先被认为是民主决策中的流行概念。边沁(Bentham)当时非常关心人们对政府政策的反应,以最大程度地获得利益。这些文字是埃德蒙·伯克(Edmund Burke)和约翰·斯图尔特·米尔(John Stuart Mill)的代名词。这些分析家还认为,某些人的利益对社会中的其他人更为重要。我们讨论的主要关注领域集中在如何设计可行的偏好上,以使有能力的代表在反映公民大众利益的可靠政策过程中取得胜利。在讨论描述性表示时,斯图尔特和克里斯托弗将舆论的可竞争条款缩小为一些明确的形容词,同时进一步强调了代表人物的研究重点,例如代表在何种程度上与代表人物相似,在人口统计学特征,种族,种族方面,性别,语言,性取向,以及在尼日利亚添加的这些都是殖民主义的经验,这种殖民主义的影响越来越大。斯图亚特(Stuart)和克里斯托弗(Christopher)提出的许多理论都将这种类型的代表称为“微观代表”,引用于1971年,2001年。出生在尼日利亚,治理和行政中的民意和民主决策主要涉及构成该领域的所有单位,规模,人口和结构联邦政府。作为该国生命线的资源自然丰富,例如石灰石,煤炭,锡,co石,铁,矿石,金,银和锌。该国还拥有天然气,是世界上主要的石油生产国之一。就适用于这种环境的农作物和蔬菜的种类而言,该国大部分地区的农产品也蓬勃发展,这解释了为什么在北部很好地发现了花生,豆类,玉米,而像棕榈油,可可粉和咖啡这样的坚挺产品却如此。在尼日利亚南部也有更多。气候有两个不同的季节,旱季和雨季。从本质上讲,该国南部气候为赤道,中部为热带,北部为狂热。该国(尼日利亚)约923,768平方公里,被五个主要国家包围或共享边界,其中东至喀麦隆(1690公里)和乍得(87公里),西至贝宁(773公里),北至尼日尔(1,496公里)和南部的大西洋(853公里)。该国的典型风貌和自然特征明显地制约了其社会和政治分层。值得一提的是,在这个拥有近2000万人口的国家中,根据不同的语言识别出大约250个不同的种族。该国北部的豪萨(Hausa)-富拉尼(Fulani)约占总人口的29%,西部的约鲁巴(Yoruba)为21%,东部的伊格博(Igbo)为总人口的18%。在这些种族分裂中,豪萨人中主要是穆斯林的宗教插曲–富拉尼人居住在北部的中间带例外,与基督徒混为一谈。南部-西部的约鲁巴岛由穆斯林和基督教徒组成,而南部-东部的伊博族则主要是基督徒。简而言之,该国50%的人口是穆斯林,40%是基督徒,其余10%是传统信徒。可以从地理上的偶然性来看他们的大多数公共利益:社会,宗教,经济和政治亲和力。政治行政体制的建立涉及联邦,州和地方政府三级政府。尼日利亚的州共有36个,其中包括774个地方政府和上述族裔中的8,810个政治区。在联邦,州和地方政府三级政府之间的权力分类方面,排他性清单中指定了约66个项目(联邦政府有意立法),联邦和州同时存在44个项目。应当保证政府平稳有序运转的财政权力共享机制经常在联邦政府的自由裁量权和意愿下不断变化。



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