首页> 外文期刊>Public Policy and Administration Research >Old vs. Young- Who can Absorb More Knowledge? : An Empirical Study on Male Beneficiaries in NGOs

Old vs. Young- Who can Absorb More Knowledge? : An Empirical Study on Male Beneficiaries in NGOs

机译:老年人与年轻人-谁可以吸收更多知识? :非政府组织中男性受益人的实证研究



[This article examines the impact of different age groups on knowledge absorption among the NGO (Non-Governmental Organisational) male-beneficiaries in Bangladesh. Knowledge transfer is a crucial element of Knowledge Management (KM) process. Successful knowledge absorption by the recipients means a successful knowledge transfer. The NGO-beneficiaries are the main actors who are engaged in receiving and absorption of the knowledge transferred by the NGOs. So it is imperative to know the knowledge absorption capacity of theirs (the beneficiaries). This study follows multi-staged sampling procedure. 14-NGOs (7 large and 7 small of the NGO Affairs Bureau enlisted NGOs) from each administrative division (there are seven administrative divisions in Bangladesh) of Bangladesh are purposefully selected. 54-semi-structured interviews consisting of top, middle and lower levels based on the salary grades (18X interviewees from each level) were interviewed. Simultaneously, 35 questionnaires among the beneficiarieswere also administered (5 from each administrative division, e.g. 5X7=35). Content analysis technique is used to analyse the interview transcript. The study finds that age group 36-55 years has more knowledge absorption capacity than those of below 20 and 21-35 years groups. Future researchers may conduct similar study in a different country] Key Words: Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Absorption, NGOs, Bangladesh
机译:[本文研究了孟加拉国非政府组织(NGO)男性受益者中不同年龄段对知识吸收的影响。知识转移是知识管理(KM)流程的关键要素。接收者成功吸收知识意味着成功的知识转移。非政府组织的受益者是参与接收和吸收非政府组织转让的知识的主要参与者。因此,必须了解他们(受益人)的知识吸收能力。本研究遵循多阶段采样程序。从孟加拉国的每个行政区划(孟加拉国共有七个行政区划)中选择了14个非政府组织(在NGO事务局中,非政府组织分别有7个和7个较小)。采访了54个半结构化访谈,包括基于薪级的高层,中层和下层(每个级别18X受访者)。同时,还对受益人进行了35份问卷调查(每个行政区划5份,例如5X7 = 35)。内容分析技术用于分析采访笔录。研究发现,年龄在36-55岁的人群比20岁以下和21-35岁的人群更具知识吸收能力。未来的研究人员可能会在另一个国家进行类似的研究]关键词:知识转移,知识吸收,非政府组织,孟加拉国



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