首页> 外文期刊>Romanian journal of physics >Professor Mihai Gavril? at His Eightieth Anniversary (foreword)

Professor Mihai Gavril? at His Eightieth Anniversary (foreword)

机译:Mihai Gavril教授?八十周年纪念(前言)



Professor Mihai Gavril. has a privileged position in Romanian theoretical physics. Firstly, he has validated himself as an outstanding professor of quantum theory within the Department of Physics, at the University of Bucharest, where he has taught practically all classes of students between 1956 and 1974. Secondly, starting with his doctoral thesis, he has developed a remarkable research career in the field of theoretical atomic physics, extending over some fifty-five years (1955–2010) in Romania and abroad. His scientific results have been widely acknowledged and continued by his Romanian collaborators, as well as by the international atomic physics community. Last, but not least, he has been energizing many younger Romanian physicists by his example, his lectures, and his ideas. He can therefore be regarded as a true follower of Professor .erban .i.eica whose close pupil he was. We give in the following some of his biographical and professional data.
机译:Mihai Gavril教授。在罗马尼亚理论物理学中享有特权。首先,他已经证明自己是布加勒斯特大学物理学系量子理论的杰出教授,在1956年至1974年期间,他在这里几乎教授了所有班级的学生。其次,从他的博士学位论文开始,他发展了在理论原子物理学领域非常出色的研究事业,在罗马尼亚和国外已有超过55年的历史(1955-2010年)。他的罗马尼亚合作者以及国际原子物理学界都公认并继续接受他的科学成果。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,他以自己的榜样,演讲和想法为许多年轻的罗马尼亚物理学家注入了活力。因此,他可以被视为.erban .i.eica教授的真正追随者,他是他的近亲。以下是他的一些个人履历和专业数据。



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