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Beyond Religious Rigidities: Religious Firmness and Religious Flexibility as Complementary Loyalties in Faith Transmission




Research has found that intergenerational transmission of religiosity results in higher family functioning and improved family relationships. Yet the Pew Research Center found that 44% of Americans reported that they had left the religious affiliation of their childhood. And 78% of the expanding group of those who identify as religiously unaffiliated (“Nones”) reported that they were raised in “highly religious families.” We suggest that this may be, in part, associated with religious parents exercising excessive firmness with inadequate flexibility (rigidity). We used a multiphase, systematic, team-based process to code 8000+ pages of in-depth interviews from 198 Christian, Jewish, and Muslim families from 17 states in all 8 major religio-cultural regions of the United States. We framed firmness as mainly about loyalty to God and God’s purposes, and flexibility as mainly about loyalty to family members and their needs and circumstances. The reported findings provided a range of examples illustrating (a) religious firmness, (b) religious flexibility, as well as (c) efforts to balance and combine firmness and flexibility. We discuss conceptual and practical implications of treating firmness and flexibility as complementary loyalties in intergenerational faith transmission.
机译:研究发现,宗教间的世代相传导致更高的家庭功能和改善的家庭关系。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)发现,有44%的美国人报告说他们离开了儿童时代的宗教信仰。在不断扩大的,没有宗教信仰的人(“诺内斯”)中,有78%的人报告说他们是在“高度宗教信仰的家庭”中长大的。我们建议,这在某种程度上可能与宗教父母行使过度的坚定态度而缺乏足够的灵活性(刚性)有关。我们使用了一个多阶段的,系统的,基于团队的过程来编码来自美国所有8个主要宗教文化区域的17个州的198个基督教,犹太和穆斯林家庭的8000多页的深度访谈。我们将坚定性定为主要是对上帝和上帝宗旨的忠诚,而灵活性则主要定为对家庭成员及其需求和环境的忠诚。报告的调查结果提供了一系列实例,这些实例说明了(a)宗教坚定,(b)宗教灵活性以及(c)平衡和结合坚定与灵活性的努力。我们讨论了将牢固性和灵活性视为世代相传的补充忠诚的概念和实践意义。



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