首页> 外文期刊>Current zoology >Analysis of membrane proteins from egg, schistosomulum, adult male and female worm of Schistosoma japonicum by two dimensional electrophoresis

Analysis of membrane proteins from egg, schistosomulum, adult male and female worm of Schistosoma japonicum by two dimensional electrophoresis




Membrane proteins were extracted from eggs, schistosomulum, adult male and female worms of Schistosoma japonicum in order to analyze the differently expressed profile by two dimensional electrophoresis. Schistosomulum and adult worms were obtained from rabbits infected with 1500 cercariaes on 14 and 42 days after challenge, respectively. Adult male and female worms on 42 days were manually detached and stored into liquid nitrogen until use. Eggs were collected by PercollTM from the liver of rabbits. ProteoPrep Membrane Extraction KitTM was employed to extracted membrane proteins by reducing and alkylating with TBP and iodoacetamide from 200 mg of eggs, schistosomulums, adult male worm and female worms, respectively. Immobilized pH gradient strips with a linear pH range of 3–10 (130 mm) were rehydrated together with membrane proteins (30 μg) in 250 ul solution containing 7 mol urea, 2 mol thiourea, 2% SB3-10, 4% CHAPS, 40 mmol Tris, 30 mmol DTT, then separated on 12.5% SDS polyacrylamide gel for the second dimensional electrophoresis. Gels were stained with silver, scanned by Labscan, and analyzed using ImageMasterTM Analysis software. The 2D maps of egg, schistosomulum, adult female worm and male worm were showed 78±3、67±3、108±4 and 122±4 spots respectively. There were 35±1 spots which showed specific expression in female worm as compared with male worm, but 45±2 spots were in male worms. Most differently expressed spots between male and female worms were located in the area of 40–70 kD and pI 4–7. The large number of unique spots from schistosomulum was located in the area of alkalescence. The 2D map of for adult male worms uniquely showed 5 spots as compared with that of schistosomulum and female worm. The female worm showed 4 unique spots as compared with that of schistosomulum, egg and male worm. The unique spots between male and female worms were identified by the database of SWISS 2D-PAGE according to the molecular weight and isoelectronic point. Calreticulin 1, methyltransferase, outer membrane protein tolc and oxygen-evolving enhancer protein 1-1 were uniquely showed in adult male worm after pairing. On the other hand, enolase, outer membrane protein X, ferrienterobactin receptor and heat shock cognate 70 kD protein 3 were uniquely showed in adult female worm. In conclusion, there are different expressions of membrane proteins from egg, schistosomulum, adult male worm and female worms of Schistosoma japonicum . These proteins, which were uniquely expressed between adult male and female worms after pairing, were involved in signal transduction and metabolism etc [ A cta Zoologica Sinica 51(1): 171- 177, 2005].
机译:从鸡蛋,血吸虫,日本血吸虫的成虫和成虫中提取膜蛋白,以便通过二维电泳分析差异表达的特征。攻击后第14天和第42天分别从感染了1500尾的兔子中获得了血吸虫和成虫。手动分离成年的雄性和雌性蠕虫42天,并储存在液氮中直至使用。用Percoll TM 从家兔的肝脏中收集卵。使用ProteoPrep膜提取试剂盒 TM 通过分别用TBP和碘乙酰胺还原并烷基化分别来自200 mg卵,血吸虫,成年雄性蠕虫和雌性蠕虫的膜蛋白来提取膜蛋白。将线性pH范围为3–10(130 mm)的固定pH梯度条与膜蛋白(30μg)在含有7摩尔尿素,2摩尔硫脲,2%SB3-10、4%CHAPS, 40 mmol Tris,30 mmol DTT,然后在12.5%SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶上分离以进行二维电泳。凝胶用银染色,通过Labscan扫描,并使用ImageMaster TM Analysis软件进行分析。卵,血吸虫,成年雌性蠕虫和雄性蠕虫的二维图分别显示为78±3、67±3、108±4和122±4点。与雄性相比,在雌性蠕虫中有35±1个斑点表现出特异性表达,而在雄性蠕虫中有45±2个斑点。雄性和雌性蠕虫之间表达差异最大的斑点位于40–70 kD和pI 4–7区域。血吸虫的大量独特斑点位于弱碱性区域。成年雄性蠕虫的二维图谱与血吸虫和雌性蠕虫相比唯一显示了5个斑点。与血吸虫,卵和雄虫相比,雌虫表现出四个独特的斑点。根据分子量和等电点,通过SWISS 2D-PAGE数据库确定了雄性和雌性蠕虫之间的独特斑点。配对后,成年雄性蠕虫独特地显示了钙网蛋白1,甲基转移酶,外膜蛋白tolc和放氧增强蛋白1-1。另一方面,在成年雌性蠕虫中独特地显示了烯醇酶,外膜蛋白X,铁蛋白细菌受体和热休克同源的70kD蛋白3。总之,日本血吸虫的卵,血吸虫,成年雄虫和雌虫的膜蛋白表达不同。这些蛋白质在配对后在成年雄性和雌性蠕虫之间唯一表达,参与信号转导和代谢等[A cta Zoologica Sinica 51(1):171-177,2005]。



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