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A Comprehensive Introduction to Sun Family Taiji Boxing: Theory and Applications




Though well known in China, Sun Family Taiji is one of the least known of Chinese martial arts here in the West. Created by one of China’s top martial artists, Sun Lutang, in what many consider the “Golden Years” of Chinese pugilism (turn of the 20th century), this style offers proper structure, full body power, and dynamic stepping. Training in Sun Taiji presents not only an extremely healthy exercise for all ages, but also an effective system of combat. This is a concise yet inclusive overview of Sun Family Taiji Boxing, including the historical background, real-world applications, and the theory involved in this often overlooked system of Taiji.
机译:太阳家族太极拳虽然在中国广为人知,但却是西方西方中国武术最鲜为人知的武术之一。由中国顶尖的武术家之一孙鲁堂创建,在许多人认为的中国拳击运动的“黄金岁月”(20世纪初)中,这种风格提供了适当的结构,饱满的力量和动感的踏步感。在太阳太极拳中的训练不仅为所有年龄段的人提供了非常健康的锻炼方法,而且是一种有效的战斗系统。这是《 Sun Family Taiji Boxing》的简明扼要的概述,包括历史背景,现实世界的应用以及这种经常被忽视的Taiji系统所涉及的理论。



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