首页> 外文期刊>ZDM >Overcoming intuitive interference in mathematics: insights from behavioral, brain imaging and intervention studies

Overcoming intuitive interference in mathematics: insights from behavioral, brain imaging and intervention studies


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It is well known that many students encounter difficulties when solving problems in mathematics. Research indicates that some of these difficulties may stem from intuitive interference with formal/logical reasoning. Our research aims at deepening the understanding of these difficulties and their underlying reasoning mechanisms to help students overcome them. For this purpose we carried out behavioral, brain imaging and intervention studies focusing on a previously demonstrated obstacle in mathematics education. The literature reports that many students believe that shapes with a larger area must have a larger perimeter. We measured the accuracy of responses, reaction time, and neural correlates (by fMRI) while participants compared the perimeters of geometrical shapes in two conditions: (1) congruent, in which correct response was in line with intuitive reasoning (larger area–larger perimeter) and (2) incongruent, in which the correct answer was counterintuitive. In the incongruent condition, accuracy dropped and reaction time for correct responses was longer than in the congruent condition. The congruent condition activated bilateral parietal brain areas, known to be involved in the comparison of quantities, while correctly answering the incongruent condition activated bilateral prefrontal areas known for their executive control over other brain regions. The intervention, during which students’ attention was drawn to the relevant variable, increased accuracy in the incongruent condition, while reaction times increased in both congruent and incongruent conditions. The findings of the three studies point to the importance of control mechanisms in overcoming intuitive interference in mathematics. Overall, it appears that adding a cognitive neuroscience perspective to mathematics education research can contribute to a better understanding of students’ difficulties and reasoning processes. Such information is important for educational research and practice.
机译:众所周知,许多学生在解决数学问题时遇到困难。研究表明,其中一些困难可能源于对形式/逻辑推理的直观干预。我们的研究旨在加深对这些困难及其潜在推理机制的理解,以帮助学生克服困难。为此,我们进行了行为,大脑成像和干预研究,重点研究了先前在数学教育中表现出的障碍。文献报道,许多学生认为面积较大的形状必须具有较大的周长。我们测量了反应,反应时间和神经相关性(通过fMRI)的准确性,同时参与者在两种情况下比较了几何形状的周长:(1)一致,正确的反应符合直观的推理(较大的区域-较大的周长) )和(2)不一致,其中正确答案是违反直觉的。在不一致的条件下,准确性下降,正确响应的反应时间比一致的条件下更长。完全一致的条件激活了已知参与数量比较的双侧顶脑区域,同时正确地回答了不一致的条件,激活了以对其他大脑区域的执行控制而闻名的双侧前额叶区域。在干预过程中,引起了学生对相关变量的注意,在不一致条件下提高了准确性,而在一致条件和不一致条件下的反应时间都增加了。这三项研究的结果表明,控制机制在克服数学中的直观干扰方面非常重要。总体而言,在数学教育研究中增加认知神经科学的观点似乎有助于更好地理解学生的困难和推理过程。这些信息对于教育研究和实践很重要。



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