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The Wilderness Debate Rages On: Continuing the Great New Wilderness Debate


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In their original collection of essays on "the Wilderness Debate," Michael Nelson and Baird Callicott implied that they were putting to rest the belief that there are purely natural and wild places free from human influence which should be preserved for human benefit, what they call "the received wilderness idea." In the introduction to that volume, they wrote, "the received wilderness idea has been mortally wounded by the withering critique to which it has been lately subjected" (The Great New Wilderness Debate, 1998, 12). The publication of The Great Wilderness Debate Rages On seems to suggest that the idea is not dead yet, as this volume collects 42 additional essays, most of which were written after the initial volume and many of which defend the idea of wilderness.
机译:迈克尔·尼尔森(Michael Nelson)和贝尔德·卡里科特(Baird Callicott)在其有关“荒野辩论”的原始论文集中表示,他们放下了这样的信念,即纯天然和荒野的地方没有人类的影响,应该保留这些资源以造福人类。 “收到的荒野想法。”在这本书的序言中,他们写道:“收到的荒野思想受到最近受到的枯萎批评的致命伤害”(The Great New Wilderness Debate,1998,12)。 《大荒野辩论之怒》的出版似乎暗示了这个主意还没有死,因为这本书收集了另外42篇论文,其中大部分是在最初的论文之后写的,其中许多捍卫了荒野的思想。



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