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Current Account Dynamics and Monetary Policy




We explore the implications of current account adjustment for monetary policy within a simple two-country DSGE model. Our framework nests Obstfcld and Rogoffs (2005) static model of exchange rate responsiveness to current account reversals. It extends this approach by endogenizing the dynamic adjustment path and by incorporating production and nominal price rigidities in order to study the role of monetary policy. We consider two different adjustment scenarios. The first is a "slow burn" where the adjustment of the current account deficit of the home country is smooth and slow. The second is a "fast burn" where, owing to a sudden shift in expectations of relative growth rates, there is a rapid reversal of the home country's current account. We examine several different monetary policy regimes under each of these scenarios. Our principal finding is that the behavior of the domestic variables (for instance, output, inflation) is quite sensitive to the monetary regime, while the behavior of the international variables (for instance, the current account and the real exchange rate) is less so. Among different policy rules, domestic inflation targeting achieves the best stabilization outcome of aggregate variables. This result is robust to the presence of imperfect pass-through on import prices, although in this case stabilization of consumer price inflation performs similarly well.
机译:我们在一个简单的两国DSGE模型中探讨了经常账户调整对货币政策的影响。我们的框架嵌套了Obstfcld和Rogoffs(2005)对汇率对经常账户冲销的静态模型。它通过内生于动态调整路径,并结合了生产和名义价格刚性来扩展这种方法,以研究货币政策的作用。我们考虑两种不同的调整方案。首先是“缓慢燃烧”,母国经常账户赤字的调整是平稳而缓慢的。第二个是“快速燃烧”,由于相对增长率的预期突然发生变化,母国的经常账户迅速逆转。在每种情况下,我们都会研究几种不同的货币政策制度。我们的主要发现是,国内变量的行为(例如产出,通货膨胀)对货币制度相当敏感,而国际变量的行为(例如经常帐和实际汇率)则相对较小。 。在不同的政策规则中,以国内通胀为目标可实现总体变量的最佳稳定结果。尽管在这种情况下,消费者价格通胀的稳定表现同样良好,但这一结果对于进口价格存在不完善的传递是有力的。



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