首页> 外文期刊>Work, Employment and Society >The role of technical progress, professionalization and Christian religion in occupational gender segregation: a cross- national analysis

The role of technical progress, professionalization and Christian religion in occupational gender segregation: a cross- national analysis


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Studies have linked cross-national variations in occupational gender segregation with various economic, social and normative characteristics of countries. This study contributes to the research on the role of normative or 'cultural' characteristics by examining the influence of the level of technical progress, professionalization and Christian religion on cross-national variations in occupational gender segregation. The analysis is based on a sample of 33 countries. Variations in gender distribution are assessed using a reliable measure of occupational segregation, marginal matching. The analysis uses recent survey data (collected between 2002 and 2006) and a differentiated occupational classification scheme at the ISCO-88 3-digit level. Controlling for other confounding influences, the study finds higher occupational segregation of sexes in countries with higher levels of technical progress and in countries where Catholicism or Protestantism is a dominant religion.
机译:研究已将职业性别隔离的跨国差异与国家的各种经济,社会和规范特征联系起来。通过研究技术进步水平,专业化程度和基督教信仰对职业性别隔离的跨国差异的影响,本研究有助于规范或“文化”特征的作用研究。该分析基于33个国家的样本。性别分布的变化是使用职业隔离,边际匹配的可靠方法进行评估的。该分析使用了最近的调查数据(2002年至2006年收集)和ISCO-88 3位数字的差异职业分类方案。控制其他混杂因素后,该研究发现在技术进步水平较高的国家和天主教或新教为主要宗教的国家中,性别的职业隔离程度更高。



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