首页> 外文期刊>Wireless Communications, IEEE >Application of wireless sensor networks in critical infrastructure protection: challenges and design options [Security and Privacy in Emerging Wireless Networks]

Application of wireless sensor networks in critical infrastructure protection: challenges and design options [Security and Privacy in Emerging Wireless Networks]


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The protection of critical infrastructures provides an interesting application area for wireless sensor networks. Threats such as natural catastrophes, criminal or terrorist attacks against CIs are increasingly reported. The large-scale nature of CIs requires a scalable and low-cost technology for improving CI monitoring and surveillance. WSNs are a promising candidate to fulfill these requirements, but if the WSN becomes part of the CI in order to improve its reliability, then the dependability of the WSN itself needs to be significantly improved first. In this article we discuss the challenges and potential solutions to achieve dependability of WSNs taking into account accidental failures as well as intentional attacks. We inspect the whole system starting from individual sensor nodes via the protocol stack to the middleware layer above.
机译:关键基础设施的保护为无线传感器网络提供了一个有趣的应用领域。人们越来越多地报道了针对自然保护区的自然灾害,犯罪或恐怖袭击等威胁。 CI的大规模性质要求使用可扩展的低成本技术来改善CI的监视和监控。 WSN是满足这些要求的有希望的候选者,但是如果WSN成为CI的一部分以提高其可靠性,则首先需要显着提高WSN本身的可靠性。在本文中,我们将考虑意外故障和故意攻击,讨论实现WSN可靠性的挑战和潜在解决方案。我们检查整个系统,从各个传感器节点开始,通过协议栈,再到上面的中间件层。



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