首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on wireless communications >A novel scheme for protecting receiver's location privacy in wireless sensor networks

A novel scheme for protecting receiver's location privacy in wireless sensor networks


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Due to the open nature of a sensor network, it is relatively easy for an adversary to eavesdrop and trace packet movement in the network in order to capture the receiver physically. After studying the adversary's behavior patterns, we present countermeasures to this problem. We propose a locationprivacy routing protocol (LPR) that is easy to implement and provides path diversity. Combining with fake packet injection, LPR is able to minimize the traffic direction information that an adversary can retrieve from eavesdropping. By making the directions of both incoming and outgoing traffic at a sensor node uniformly distributed, the new defense system makes it very hard for an adversary to perform analysis on locally gathered information and infer the direction to which the receiver locates. We evaluate our defense system based on three criteria: delivery time, privacy protection strength, and energy cost. The simulation results show that LPR with fake packet injection is capable of providing strong protection for the receiveriquests location privacy. Under similar energy cost, the safe time of the receiver provided by LPR is much longer than other methods, including Phantom routing [1] and DEFP [2]. The performance of our system can be tuned through a few system parameters that determine the tradeoff between energy cost and the strength of location-privacy protection.
机译:由于传感器网络的开放性,对手相对容易窃听和跟踪网络中的数据包移动以物理捕获接收器。在研究对手的行为模式之后,我们提出了解决该问题的对策。我们提出一种易于实施并提供路径多样性的位置隐私路由协议(LPR)。结合伪造的数据包注入,LPR可以最大限度地减少对手可以从窃听中获取的流量方向信息。通过使传感器节点处的传入和传出流量的方向均匀分布,新的防御系统使对手很难对本地收集的信息进行分析并推断接收器所处的方向。我们基于三个标准评估我们的防御系统:交付时间,隐私保护强度和能源成本。仿真结果表明,伪造包注入的LPR能够为接收者的请求位置隐私提供强有力的保护。在相似的能源成本下,LPR提供的接收器的安全时间比其他方法(包括幻影路由[1]和DEFP [2])长得多。我们的系统性能可以通过一些系统参数进行调整,这些参数确定了能源成本与位置隐私保护强度之间的折衷。



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