首页> 外文期刊>Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on >Dynamic Throughput Maximization for the User-Centric Visible Light Downlink in the Face of Practical Considerations

Dynamic Throughput Maximization for the User-Centric Visible Light Downlink in the Face of Practical Considerations


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The concept of amorphous-boundary-based user-centric cells invoked for visible light communication (VLC) was shown to offer extra throughput benefits over the conventional network-centric VLC. However, this improvement was quantified based on a number of idealized simplifying assumptions, such as operating exactly at the Shannon capacity. Also, the light emitting diode in VLC was assumed to have no non-linear distortion and no clipping distortion. Furthermore, greedily supporting all the user equipments in the system may in fact reduce the achievable throughput, when the transmit power is restricted. To provide more practical performance estimate, in this paper, the dynamic throughput maximization of user-centric VLC (UC-VLC) systems is investigated under a range of practical considerations, where the number of served UEs, the modulation-mode assignment and the power allocation strategy are all dynamically decided by our proposed heuristic dynamic-programming-based algorithm. Our simulations indicate that both the achievable throughput and the outage probability of the proposed UC-VLC system is better than that of the conventional NC-VLC system, under a range of practical constraints.



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