首页> 外文期刊>Wetlands Ecology and Management >Invasive reed effects on benthic community structure in Lake Erie coastal marshes

Invasive reed effects on benthic community structure in Lake Erie coastal marshes


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We examined how dominance (% canopy cover) and invasion history of common reed, Phragmites australis, affected benthic macroinvertebrate diversity and density in 8 marshes along Lake Erie’s southern shoreline. We also compared macroinvertebrate densities among patches (0.25 m2) of reed, cattail (Typha spp.), and native flora (e.g., Sagittaria, Sparganium) and epiphytic algal communities on submerged stems of reed and cattail. Narrow-leaf cattail (T. angustifolia) is also a common invasive plant to these wetlands, but does not greatly change plant community composition or ecosystem conditions like reed. Macroinvertebrate diversity (Shannon–Weaver H′) was positively related to reed cover and was highest (4.6) in two marshes with ~35- and 5-year invasion histories. Shading from high reed cover increased H′-diversity, in part, by reducing the abundance of floating duckweed, which harbored many Hyalella azteca amphipods. Percent Ephemeroptera, Odonata, and Trichoptera was low to moderate across marshes, regardless of reed cover and invasion history. Macroinvertebrate density was not affected by reed cover or average plant stem density, and did not differ among plant types. However, epiphyton densities and % diatoms were greater on reed than on cattail, suggesting reed provides a better feeding habitat for microalgal grazers than Typha. Abundance rankings of common species in these diatom-dominated communities were also typically dissimilar between these plant types. Although % grazers was unrelated to epiphyton densities and % diatoms, grazer identity (snails) differed between natural and diked marshes, which had different microalgal food supplies. Our findings suggest that Phragmites does not necessarily adversely affect macroinvertebrate community structure and diversity and that invasion history alone has little effect on the H′-diversity–reed dominance relationship.
机译:我们研究了伊利湖南部海岸线沿线的8个沼泽地的芦苇(芦苇芦苇)的优势地位(树冠覆盖率)和入侵历史如何影响底栖大型无脊椎动物的多样性和密度。我们还比较了芦苇和香蒲淹没茎上的芦苇,香蒲(香蒲属物种)和原生植物区系(如箭毛,Sparganium)和附生藻类群落之间的大型无脊椎动物密度(0.25 m 2 ) 。窄叶香蒲(T. angustifolia)也是这些湿地的常见入侵植物,但不会极大地改变植物群落组成或像芦苇这样的生态系统条件。大型无脊椎动物多样性(Shannon–Weaver H')与芦苇覆盖率呈正相关,在具有约35年和5年入侵历史的两个沼泽中最高(4.6)。高芦苇覆盖的阴影增加了H'的多样性,部分原因是减少了浮萍的数量,浮萍内藏有许多透明质酸Hyalella ampampodods。不论芦苇覆盖和入侵史如何,整个沼泽地的星表蝶、,形纲和蝶翅的百分比均低至中等。大型无脊椎动物的密度不受芦苇覆盖率或平均植物茎密度的影响,并且在植物类型之间没有差异。然而,芦苇上的附生植物密度和硅藻含量高于香蒲,这表明芦苇为微藻放牧者提供了比香蒲更好的觅食生境。这些植物类型在这些以硅藻为主的群落中常见物种的丰度排名通常也不相同。尽管放牧者百分比与附生生物密度和硅藻百分比无关,但自然沼泽和堤防沼泽中的放牧者身份(蜗牛)不同,后者具有不同的微藻类食物供应。我们的发现表明芦苇并不一定会对大型无脊椎动物群落结构和多样性产生不利影响,仅入侵史对H'-多样性-芦苇优势地位影响不大。



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