首页> 外文期刊>Weed technology >Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) and Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Control in Perennial Grasses

Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) and Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Control in Perennial Grasses

机译:多年生禾草的山羊草(Aegilops cylindrica)和霜霉病(Bromus tectorum)联合防治

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Glyphosate and package mixtures of glyphosate plus dicamba or 2,4-D were evaluated for the selective control of jointed goatgrass and downy brome in seeded perennial grasses. Glyphosate at 560, glyphosate plus dicamba at 550 + 220, and glyphosate plus 2,4-D at 420 + 350 and 570 + 470 g ai/ha controlled 90% or more jointed goatgrass in 1988 and 1991. Glyphosate plus 2,4-D at 150 + 120 and 280 + 240 g/ha were the only treatments that controlled less than 90% of jointed goatgrass in 1991. In 1988, glyphosate at 210 g/ha and glyphosate plus dicamba at 210 + 80 g/ha were the only treatments that controlled less than 90% of downy brome. Glyphosate at 210, 280, 420, and 560 g/ha, glyphosate plus dicamba at 210 + 80,280 + 110,420 + 170, and 550 + 220 g/ha, and glyphosate plus 2,4-D at 150 + 120, 280 + 240, 420 + 350, and 570 + 470 g/ha controlled 90% or more downy brome in 1990. Pubescent wheatgrass and crested wheatgrass were stunted or killed if they were growing when herbicides were applied.
机译:评估草甘膦和草甘膦加麦草畏或2,4-D的包装混合物对多年生种子草中节理山羊草和绒毛的选择性控制。草甘膦在560,草甘膦加麦草畏在550 + 220和草甘膦加2,4-D在420 + 350和570 + 470 g a / ha时在1988和1991年控制了90%或更多的节理山羊草。草甘膦加2,4- 1991年,D处理剂量为150 + 120和280 + 240 g / ha是唯一控制少于90%的联合山羊草的处理方法。1988年,草甘膦的剂量为210 g / ha,草甘膦加麦草畏的剂量为210 + 80 g / ha。只有控制霜霉病率不到90%的疗法。草甘膦为210、280、420和560 g / ha,草甘膦加麦草畏为210 + 80,280 + 110,420 + 170和550 + 220 g / ha,草甘膦加2,4-D为150 + 120、280 + 240在1990年,分别以420 + 350和570 + 470 g / ha的霜霉病控制90%或更多的霜霉病。使用除草剂时,如果生长的短熟小麦草和朱顶麦草生长发育迟缓或被杀死。



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