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Evaluation of Reduced Rates of Glyphosate and Chlorimuron in Glyphosate- Resistant Soybean (Glycine max)


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Field studies were conducted over 2 yr in Louisiana to evaluate entireleaf morningglory and hemp sesbania control by glyphosate isopropylamine salt applied alone at 420, 560, and 700 g ae/ha and in combination with chlorimuron at 4, 6, 9, and 11 g ai/ha. Comparison treatments included glyphosate alone at 840 g/ha, glyphosate at 1,400 g/ha plus chlorimuron at 13 g/ha, and sethoxydim at 210 g ai/ha plus chlorimuron at 11 g/ha. Entireleaf morningglory and hemp sesbania were controlled no more than 77% with glyphosate rates as high as 840 g/ha. Chlorimuron added to glyphosate increased entireleaf morningglory control in two of the three experiments to 83 to 88% and hemp sesbania control to 86 to 98%. Response to chlorimuron was not rate dependent. In most cases, glyphosate-chlorimuron mixtures did not antagonize barnyardgrass control, and increasing rate of glyphosate did not always increase control. Soybean was injured no more than 6% by chlorimuron at one location, but injury was as great as 30% at another location, which was possibly due to smaller soybean size. Differences in weed control and soybean injury among the glyphosate and glyphosate-chlorimuron combinations were not reflected in soybean yields. Because injury occurred early season, sufficient time remained for soybean to recover and produce acceptable yields. Weed control by sethoxydim plus chlorimuron was less consistent than that by glyphosate plus chlorimuron, and soybean yield in most cases was inferior to the glyphosate treatments.
机译:在路易斯安那州进行了为期2年的田间研究,以评估分别通过分别以420、560和700 g ae / ha施用草甘膦异丙胺盐并与4 g,6、9和11 g ai的敌草隆联合施用的草甘膦异丙胺盐来控制全叶牵牛花和大麻芝麻/哈。比较处理包括单独的草甘膦为840 g / ha,草甘膦为1400 g / ha和氯嘧磺隆为13 g / ha,以及除草定为210 g ai / ha和氯嘧磺隆为11 g / ha。整叶牵牛花和麻芝麻叶被控制在不超过77%,草甘膦的比例高达840 g / ha。在三个实验中的两个中,向草甘膦中添加的氯嘧磺隆将全叶牵牛花的防治率提高到83%至88%,将大麻芝麻的防治率提高到86%至98%。对毒死ur的反应与速率无关。在大多数情况下,草甘膦-氯嘧磺隆混合物不能拮抗bar草的防治作用,而增加草甘膦的比例并不能总是提高防治效果。在一个地点,大豆受嘧磺隆的伤害不超过6%,但在另一地点,大豆的伤害高达30%,这可能是由于大豆尺寸较小所致。草甘膦和草甘膦-氯嘧磺隆组合在杂草控制和大豆伤害方面的差异未反映在大豆产量中。因为伤害发生在季节的早期,所以大豆有足够的时间恢复并产生可接受的产量。杀草定加氯嘧磺隆的杂草控制效果不如草甘膦加氯嘧磺隆,且多数情况下大豆的产量低于草甘膦处理。



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