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Influence of Sequential Herbicide Treatment, Herbicide Application Timing, and Mowing on Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) Control1

机译:连续除草剂处理,除草剂施药时间和割草对艾蒿防治的影响 1

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Field trials were conducted during 1998 and 1999 to evaluate the effects of sequential herbicide treatment, herbicide application timing, and mowing on mugwort control. In the first field trial dicamba, triclopyr, clopyralid, picloram, metsulfuron, glufosinate, glyphosate, and the dimethylamine salt and the isooctyl ester of 2,4-D were applied to mugwort at 7-wk intervals to evaluate mugwort control after one, two, and three herbicide applications. When applied in three sequential applications, all herbicides except triclopyr, metsulfuron, and glufosinate provided at least 70% mugwort control 1 yr after treatment (YAT). At least 70% mugwort control was also achieved with just two sequential applications of dicamba, and only one application of picloram or clopyralid provided 100 and 84% mugwort control 1 YAT, respectively. In the second field trial the influence of application timing was investigated by applying herbicides to mugwort in the vegetative and the flowering stages of growth. Additionally, the effect of sequential mowing was evaluated by applying herbicides to mugwort regrowth after either one or two mowings. Generally, there was no difference in the level of mugwort control achieved with applications of these herbicides to mugwort in the flowering vs. the vegetative stage of growth. However, when averaged over all the herbicides included in these trials, two sequential mowings conducted before herbicide application enhanced the control of mugwort compared with either unmowed mugwort or mugwort that had been mowed once before herbicide application. Additionally, with the exception of picloram and glyphosate, all the herbicides evaluated in these trials provided higher mugwort control when applied to unmowed mugwort compared with mugwort that had been mowed only once. The results from these trials indicate that sequential herbicide treatment and sequential mowing are strategies that will enhance the control of mugwort when used with the majority of herbicides evaluated in these trials.
机译:1998年和1999年进行了田间试验,以评估连续除草剂处理,除草剂施用时机和割草对艾蒿控制的影响。在第一个田间试验中,将麦草畏,敌百虫,氯吡格雷,吡咯烷,甲磺隆,草铵膦,草甘膦和2,4-D的二甲胺盐和异辛酯按7周间隔施用于艾蒿,以评估一,两次后艾蒿的控制,以及三种除草剂的应用。当连续施用三剂时,除甲草胺,甲磺隆和草铵膦以外的所有除草剂均在处理后1年(YAT)提供了至少70%的艾蒿对照。仅仅两次连续施用麦草畏,也至少达到了70%的艾蒿控制,并且只有一次应用吡咯烷或氯吡格雷分别提供了100%和84%的艾蒿对照1 YAT。在第二个田间试验中,通过在营养生长和开花期将除草剂施用于艾蒿,研究了施药时间的影响。另外,在修剪一次或两次后,通过将除草剂施用于艾蒿的再生长来评估顺序修剪的效果。通常,在开花期与营养生长期将这些除草剂施用到艾草上所获得的艾蒿控制水平没有差异。但是,当对这些试验中包括的所有除草剂进行平均时,与未割除的艾蒿或在除草剂施用之前曾修剪过的艾蒿相比,在除草剂施用之前进行了两次连续割草,从而增强了艾蒿的控制。此外,除苦瓜和草甘膦外,与仅割过一次艾草相比,在这些试验中评估的所有除草剂在施用于未割过的艾草时都提供了更高的艾草控制。这些试验的结果表明,当与这些试验中评估的大​​多数除草剂一起使用时,相继的除草剂处理和相继的割草将增强对艾蒿的控制。



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