首页> 外文期刊>Weed Technology >Season-Long Interference of Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) with Polyethylene-Mulched Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum)1

Season-Long Interference of Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) with Polyethylene-Mulched Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum)1

机译:黄果(Cyperus esculentus)与聚乙烯膜甜椒(Capsicum annuum)的长期干扰 1

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Yellow nutsedge, a weed commonly present in Florida vegetable fields, may substantially reduce crop yields when not controlled. Soil fumigation with methyl bromide effectively controls nutsedges, but methyl bromide is being phased out of production and use in the United States. Therefore, nutsedge management in bell pepper is a cause for concern. An experiment was conducted during four seasons (spring and fall of 1999 and 2000) to determine the tolerance of bell pepper grown at two in-row spacings (23 and 31 cm) to interference resulting from planted yellow nutsedge tuber densities (0 to 120 tubers/m2). Relative to yields with no nutsedge, pepper fruit yields in each season were reduced 10% with fewer than 5 planted tubers/m2. Yield losses increased more rapidly with an increase in initial nutsedge density from 0 to 30 than from 30 to 120 tubers/m2. With 30 nutsedge tubers/m2, large fruit yield was reduced 54 to 74% compared to that with no nutsedge. Nutsedge shoots overtopped the pepper plants as early as 6 wk after treatment when, with 15 planted tubers/m2, nutsedge interference reduced pepper plant biomass by 10 to 47%. In the absence of methyl bromide, weed control strategies with high efficacy against yellow nutsedge will be needed for bell pepper production.
机译:黄色杂种,一种在佛罗里达州蔬菜田中普遍存在的杂草,如果不加以控制,可能会大大降低作物的产量。用甲基溴对土壤进行熏蒸可以有效地控制营养,但是在美国,甲基溴已被淘汰生产和使用。因此,甜椒中的养分管理令人关注。在四个季节(1999年和2000年春季和秋季)进行了一项实验,以确定在两个行距(23和31厘米)处种植的灯笼椒对种植的黄色胡瓜块茎密度(0至120个块茎)产生的干扰的耐受性/ m 2 )。相对于没有坚果的产量,每个季节的胡椒果实产量降低了10%,而块茎/ m 2 少于5个。初始坚果浓度从0增加到30,从30块茎/ m 2 增加,产量损失增加得更快。与无坚果的相比,使用30块坚果/ m 2 的大果产量可降低54%至74%。处理后,早在6 wk时,核果苗就超过了辣椒植物,当时以15个种植的块茎/ m 2 ,核果干扰降低了辣椒植物的生物量10%至47%。在没有甲基溴的情况下,将需要对青椒产生高功效的杂草控制策略。



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