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Sensitivity of Selected Crops to Isoxaflutole in Soil and Irrigation Water1

机译:几种农作物对土壤和灌溉水中异氟苯酚的敏感性 1

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Isoxaflutole, a preemergence herbicide for use in corn, causes bleaching of plant tissue and plant death at low rates. A concern regarding widespread use of isoxaflutole is the unintentional exposure of high-value, minor hectareage crops that may be sensitive. Unintentional exposure could occur because of carryover from a previous application, spray drift, or contamination of irrigation water. The objective of this study was to determine the potential for injury to nine minor hectareage Michigan crops. Crops evaluated were: adzuki bean, alfalfa, carrot, cucumber, dry bean (navy and black beans), onion, sugar beet, and tomato. Experiments were conducted in the greenhouse to evaluate injury from low rates of isoxaflutole applied to soil to simulate carryover as well as low concentrations of isoxaflutole in 2.54 cm of irrigation water applied over the course of 1 h to 15-cm-tall plants. Isoxaflutole rates and concentrations that cause 20% injury (I20) were calculated using Seefeldt's log-logistic dose–response model. Regardless of application type, onion was always the least sensitive plant to isoxaflutole (I20 = 37 g/ha applied to soil and 194 μg/L in irrigation water), whereas navy bean and black bean were the most sensitive (I20 = 9 g/ha applied to soil and 5 μg/ L in irrigation water). The remaining plants exhibited intermediate sensitivity. All of the rates that resulted in injury were substantially less than the rates used for weed control in corn. Carryover from isoxaflutole applications in corn production may require plant back restrictions for certain sensitive crops.
机译:Isoxaflutole是一种用于玉米的芽前除草剂,可低速导致植物组织漂白和植物死亡。关于异氟哌啶醇的广泛使用的一个担忧是无意识地暴露了可能敏感的高价值,小面积农作物。意外的暴露可能是由于先前的应用带来的残留,喷雾漂移或灌溉用水的污染。这项研究的目的是确定对9种小面积密歇根州农作物造成伤害的可能性。评价的农作物有:小豆,苜蓿,胡萝卜,黄瓜,干豆(海军和黑豆),洋葱,甜菜和番茄。在温室中进行了实验,以评估在土壤中施用1h到15厘米高的植物过程中,低剂量的异恶草胺模拟土壤残留所致的伤害以及2.54厘米的灌溉水中低浓度的异恶草胺的危害。使用Seefeldt的对数逻辑剂量反应模型计算了导致20%伤害的异恶草环素率和浓度(I 20 )。无论使用哪种类型,洋葱始终是对异黄腐酚最不敏感的植物(I 20 = 37 g / ha施用到土壤上,在灌溉水中为194μg/ L),而海军豆和黑豆是最敏感(对土壤施加I 20 = 9 g / ha,对灌溉用水施加5μg/ L)。其余植物表现出中等敏感性。所有导致伤害的发生率都大大低于用于控制玉米杂草的发生率。在玉米生产中,异恶草胺应用所产生的残留物可能需要对某些敏感农作物进行回株限制。



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