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Combined Assessment of Climate Change and Socio-Economic Development as Drivers of Freshwater Availability in the South of Portugal


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A combined assessment of the potential impacts from climate change (CC) and socio-economic development (SED) on water resources is presented for the most important aquifer in the south of Portugal. The goal is to understand how CC and SED affect the currently large pressures from water consuming and contaminating activities, predominantly agriculture. Short-term (2020-2050) and long-term (2070-2100) CC scenarios were developed and used to build aquifer recharge and crop water demand scenarios, using different methods to account for uncertainty. SED scenarios were developed using bottom-up and top-down methods, and discussed at workshops with farmers and institutional stakeholders in the water sector. Groundwater use was quantified for each scenario. Together with the recharge scenarios, these were run through a calibrated groundwater flow model, to study their individual and joint impacts on groundwater levels and discharge rates into a coastal estuary. Recharge scenarios show clear negative long-term trends and short-term increase in temporal variability of recharge, though short-term model uncertainties are higher. SED scenario 1 (SED1), predicting intensification and decline of small farms, considered the most likely by all workshop participants, shows a large drop in agricultural area and water demand. SED2, a most desired scenario by farmers, foresees growth and modernization of agriculture, but proves unsustainable in combination with predicted CC without efficient adaptation measures. The results thus reveal that CC in the region will dynamically interact with economic factors, and going one step beyond, CC could be directly integrated as a constraint in the development of SED scenarios. Exercises involving the integration of CC and SED regionally based scenarios, constructed in both bottom-up and top- down fashion and discussed in participatory contexts are still rarely used for adaptation, and specifically adaptation of agriculture to water scarcity. The joint analysis of CC and SED revealed challenging, as it involved the use of different methods across the border between natural and social sciences. In our view this method contributes in an encouraging manner to a more holistic and transdisciplinary water management, by allowing a more plausible identification of what (and if) adaptation measures are needed.
机译:针对葡萄牙南部最重要的含水层,对气候变化(CC)和社会经济发展(SED)对水资源的潜在影响进行了综合评估。目的是了解CC和SED如何影响当前耗水和污染活动(主要是农业)带来的巨大压力。开发了短期(2020-2050)和长期(2070-2100)CC情景,并使用不同的方法解决不确定性,将其用于建立含水层补给和作物需水情景。利用自下而上和自上而下的方法开发了SED方案,并在研讨会上与农民和水务部门的机构利益相关者进行了讨论。对每种情况下的地下水用量进行了量化。结合补给方案,通过校准的地下水流模型对这些方案进行了研究,以研究它们对地下水位和排入沿海河口的速率的个体和共同影响。尽管短期模型的不确定性较高,但补给场景显示出明显的长期负趋势和短期随时间变化的增加。 SED情景1(SED1)预测了小型作坊的集约化和衰退,这被所有研讨会参与者认为是最有可能的,表明农业面积和需水量大幅下降。 SED2是农民最需要的方案,它预见了农业的增长和现代化,但是如果没有有效的适应措施,将其与预测的CC结合起来是不可持续的。结果表明,该地区的CC将动态地与经济因素互动,而且,CC可以直接集成为SED情景开发中的一个约束条件。以自下而上和自上而下的方式构造并在参与性背景下进行讨论的,涉及CC和SED区域情景整合的演习仍然很少用于适应,特别是农业适应缺水的适应。 CC和SED的联合分析显示了挑战,因为它涉及跨越自然科学和社会科学之间的不同方法。我们认为,这种方法通过允许更合理地确定需要什么(以及是否需要)适应措施,以令人鼓舞的方式有助于更全面和跨学科的水管理。



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