首页> 外文期刊>Water Resources Management >Two-Dimension Monthly River Flow Simulation Using Hierarchical Network-Copula Conditional Models

Two-Dimension Monthly River Flow Simulation Using Hierarchical Network-Copula Conditional Models


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River flow simulation is required on water resources planning and management. This paper proposes hierarchical network-copula conditional models to generate two-dimension monthly streamflow matrix aiming at simulating flow both on time and space. HNCCMs develop the simulation generator driven by both temporal and spatial covariates conditioned upon values of a set of parameters and hyper parameters which can be addressed from the three-layer hierarchical system. In the first layer, streamflow time series of the station at the most upstream is generated using bivariate Archimedean copulas and river flow space series in each month at stations down a river in sequence is simulated by nested copulas in the second layer. Last, the seasonal characters of the temporal parameters and covariates are detected as well as the spatial ones are detected using the neural network by fitting them into functions to contribute to the downscaling of space series. A case study for the model is carried on the Yellow River of China. This case (1) detects temporal and spatial relationships which illustrate the capacity of catching the seasonal characterize and spatial trend, (2) generates a river flow time series at Huayuankou station as well as (3) simulates a flow space sequence in January picking out best fitted building blocks for the cascade of bivariate copulas, and finally (4) synthesizes two-dimension simulation of monthly river flow. The result illustrates the essentially pragmatic nature of HNCCMs on simulation for this spatiotemporal monthly streamflow which is nonlinear and complex both on time and space.
机译:在水资源规划和管理中需要模拟河水流量。本文提出了层次网络-关系条件模型,以生成二维的月度流量矩阵,旨​​在模拟时空流量。 HNCCM开发了由时间和空间协变量驱动的仿真生成器,该协变量以一组参数值和超参数为条件,可以从三层分层系统中解决。在第一层中,使用双变量阿基米德算子copula生成最上游站的水流时间序列,第二层中的嵌套copulas依次模拟每个月沿河测站的河流流空间序列。最后,通过使用神经网络将时间参数和协变量的季节性特征拟合为函数,以减少空间序列,从而检测时间参数和协变量的季节性特征以及空间参数。该模型以中国黄河为例。这种情况(1)检测到时间和空间关系,这些关系说明了捕捉季节性特征和空间趋势的能力,(2)在花园口站生成了河流水流时间序列,以及(3)模拟了1月的流空间序列最佳的构建变量来构建二元系动词的级联,最后(4)合成了每月河流量的二维模拟。结果表明,对于这种时空每月流量,HNCCM的本质是实用的,该时空流量是非线性的,在时间和空间上都是复杂的。



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