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Sorghum Water Loss in Relation to Irrigation Treatment


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Aiming towards rational irrigation water management in a seasonally dry climate, sorghum water losses via evapotranspiration were studied during a two-year experiment in relation to irrigation treatments in Central Greece. Relative to high irrigation (I_H), that provided the root depth with 458 mm of water in 1994 and 512 mm in 1995, 56 and 64 of the water was supplied by the medium (I_M) and 34 and 46 by the low (I_L) treatments, respectively, during the two years. A fourth treatment (I_(HA)) was performed like (I_H) until the end of anthesis, when irrigation stopped. Gravimetric soil moisture was measured, biometric measurements were taken and all meteorological parameters required to estimate evapotranspiration by the Penman-Monteith equation were logged. A model estimating sorghum actual water loss was first run with the 1994 data. During the model- establishment year, it was found that (a) surface resistance r_s, consisting of a canopy r_(sc) and a soil r_(ss) resistance acting in parallel, was almost exclusively dependent on soil water shortage, (b) under the I_M and I_L irrigation treatments, the lowest possible (immediately after water application) canopy resistance r_(sc)' higher than the (I_H) minimum canopy resistance r_(sc) (min) = 40 sm~(-1) , was imgation- deficit dependent and (c) the r_(ss) (min) was as high as 1200 sm~(-1) , common to all treatments. The model established was then verified with the 1995 data and used to calculate the crop coeffi- cient k_c values for sorghum. The model, although tending to underestimate actual evapotranspiration by 4-10,
机译:为了在季节性干旱的气候中进行合理的灌溉水管理,在一项与希腊中部灌溉技术有关的为期两年的实验中,研究了通过蒸散引起的高粱水损失。相对于高灌溉(I_H),1994年提供了458 mm的根深,1995年提供了512 mm的根深,中等(I_M)提供了56和64的水,低(I_L)提供了34和46的水两年中分别接受治疗。像(I_H)一样进行第四次治疗(I_(HA)),直到花药结束时停止灌溉。测量了土壤重量的水分,进行了生物测定,并记录了通过Penman-Monteith方程估算蒸散量所需的所有气象参数。 1994年的数据首先运行了一个模型,用于估计高粱的实际失水量。在建立模型的年份,发现(a)由冠层r_(sc)和土壤r_(ss)阻力并行作用组成的表面电阻r_s几乎完全取决于土壤缺水,(b)在I_M和I_L灌溉处理下,最低的冠层阻力r_(sc)'高于(I_H)最小的冠层阻力r_(sc)(min)= 40 sm〜(-1),这是可能的最低值(刚施水后)依赖于信号缺陷的和(c)r_(ss)(min)高达1200 sm〜(-1),在所有处理中均如此。然后使用1995年的数据对建立的模型进行验证,并将其用于计算高粱的作物系数k_c值。该模型虽然倾向于低估实际蒸散量4-10,



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