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A Rigorous Wavelet-Packet Transform to Retrieve Snow Depth from SSMIS Data and Evaluation of its Reliability by Uncertainty Parameters


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This study demonstrates the application of wavelet transform comprising discrete wavelet transform, maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT), and multiresolution-based MODWT (MODWT-MRA), as well as wavelet packet transform (WP), coupled with artificial intelligence (AI)-based models including multi-layer perceptron, radial basis function, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), and gene expression programming to retrieve snow depth (SD) from special sensor microwave imager sounder obtained from the national snow and ice data center. Different mother wavelets were applied to the passive microwave (PM) frequencies; afterward, the dominant resultant decomposed subseries comprising low frequencies (approximations) and high frequencies (details) were detected and inserted into the AI-based models. The results indicated that the WP coupled with ANFIS (WP-ANFIS) outperformed the other studied models with the determination coefficient of 0.988, root mean square error of 3.458 cm, mean absolute error of 2.682 cm, and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.987 during testing period. The final verification also confirmed that the WP is a promising pre-processing technique to improve the accuracy of the AI-based models in SD evaluation from PM data.



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