首页> 外文期刊>Water Research >Pilot-scale demonstration of phytofiltration for treatment of arsenic in New Mexico drinking water

Pilot-scale demonstration of phytofiltration for treatment of arsenic in New Mexico drinking water


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Arsenic contamination of drinking water poses serious health risks to millions of people worldwide. To reduce such risks, the United States Environmental Protection Agency recently lowered the Maximum Contaminant Level for arsenic in drinking water from 50 to 10 μgL~(-1). The majority of water systems requiring compliance are small systems that serve less than 10,000 people. Current technologies used to clean arsenic-contaminated water have significant drawbacks, particularly for small treatment systems. In this pilot-scale demonstration, we investigated the use of arsenic-hyperaccumulating ferns to remove arsenic from drinking water using a continuous flow phytofiltration system. Over the course of a 3-month demonstration period, the system consistently produced water having an arsenic concentration less than the detection limit of 2 μgL~(-1), at flow rates as high as 1900 L day~(-1) for a total treated water volume of approximately 60,000 L. Our results demonstrate that phytofiltration provides the basis for a solar-powered hydroponic technique to enable small-scale cleanup of arsenic-contaminated drinking water.
机译:饮用水中的砷污染对全球数百万人构成严重的健康威胁。为减少此类风险,美国环境保护局最近将饮用水中砷的最大污染水平从50μgL〜(-1)降低到10μgL〜(-1)。要求合规的大多数供水系统都是为不到10,000人的小型系统。用于清洁被砷污染的水的当前技术具有明显的缺点,特别是对于小型处理系统。在这个中试规模的演示中,我们研究了使用砷超富集蕨类植物通过连续流植物滤池系统从饮用水中去除砷的方法。在3个月的演示过程中,系统持续生产砷浓度低于2μgL〜(-1)检出限的砷水,而最高流量为1900 L day〜(-1)。总处理水量约为60,000升。我们的结果表明,植物过滤为太阳能水培技术提供了基础,该技术可以小规模地净化受砷污染的饮用水。



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