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Inactivation credit of UV radiation for viruses, bacteria and protozoan (oo)cysts in water: A review


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UV disinfection technology is of growing interest in the water industry since it was demonstrated that UV radiation is very effective against (oo)cysts of Cryptosporidium and Giardia, two pathogenic micro-organisms of major importance for the safety of drinking water. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment, the new concept for microbial safety of drinking water and wastewater, requires quantitative data of the inactivation or removal of pathogenic micro-organisms by water treatment processes. The objective of this study was to review the literature on UV disinfection and extract quantitative information about the relation between the inactivation of micro-organisms and the applied UV fluence. The quality of the available studies was evaluated and only high-quality studies were incorporated in the analysis of the inactivation kinetics. The results show that UV is effective against all waterbome pathogens. The inactivation of micro-organisms by UV could be described with first-order kinetics using fluence-inactivation data from laboratory studies in collimated beam tests. No inactivation at low fluences (offset) and/or no further increase of inactivation at higher fluences (tailing) was observed for some micro-organisms. Where observed, these were included in the description of the inactivation kinetics, even though the cause of tailing is still a matter of debate. The parameters that were used to describe inactivation are the inactivation rate constant k (cm~2/mJ), the maximum inactivation demonstrated and (only for bacterial spores and Acanthamoeba) the offset value. These parameters were the basis for the calculation of the microbial inactivation credit (MIC = "log-credits") that can be assigned to a certain UV fluence. The most UV-resistant organisms are viruses, specifically Adeno-viruses, and bacterial spores. The protozoon Acanthamoeba is also highly UV resistant. Bacteria and (oo)cysts of Cryptosporidium and Giardia are more susceptible with a fluence requirement of < 20 mJ/cm~2 for an MIC of 3 log. Several studies have reported an increased UV resistance of environmental bacteria and bacterial spores, compared to lab-grown strains. This means that higher UV fluences are required to obtain the same level of inactivation. Hence, for bacteria and spores, a correction factor of 2 and 4 was included in the MIC calculation, respectively, whereas some wastewater studies suggest that a correction of a factor of 7 is needed under these conditions. For phages and viruses this phenomenon appears to be of little significance and for protozoan (oo)cysts this aspect needs further investigation.
机译:紫外线消毒技术在水工业中受到越来越多的关注,因为已证明紫外线辐射对隐孢子虫和贾第鞭毛虫的(卵)囊非常有效,而隐孢子虫和贾第鞭毛虫是两种对饮用水安全至关重要的病原微生物。定量微生物风险评估是饮用水和废水的微生物安全性的新概念,它要求通过水处理过程灭活或去除病原微生物的定量数据。这项研究的目的是回顾有关紫外线消毒的文献,并提取有关微生物灭活与紫外线通量之间关系的定量信息。评价了可用研究的质量,并且只有高质量的研究被纳入了失活动力学的分析中。结果表明,紫外线对所有水生病原体均有效。使用准直光束测试中实验室研究的注量失活数据,可以用一级动力学描述紫外线对微生物的失活。对于某些微生物,未观察到低通量的失活(抵消)和/或高通量的失活没有进一步增加(尾巴)。在哪里观察到,这些被包括在灭活动力学的描述中,尽管拖尾的原因仍然是一个争论的问题。用于描述失活的参数是失活速率常数k(cm〜2 / mJ),已证明的最大失活和(仅对于细菌孢子和棘形棘)失调值。这些参数是计算微生物灭活积分(MIC =“ log-credits”)的基础,可以将其分配给特定的UV通量。最耐紫外线的生物是病毒,特别是腺病毒和细菌孢子。原生动物棘棘类也是高度抗紫外线的。隐孢子虫和贾第虫的细菌和(oo)囊肿更易感染,其通量要求<20 mJ / cm〜2,MIC为3 log。几项研究报告说,与实验室培养的菌株相比,环境细菌和细菌孢子的紫外线抵抗力增强。这意味着需要更高的紫外线通量才能获得相同水平的灭活。因此,对于细菌和孢子,MIC计算中分别包括校正因子2和4,而一些废水研究表明在这些条件下需要校正因子7。对于噬菌体和病毒,这种现象似乎意义不大,对于原生动物(oo)囊肿,这方面需要进一步研究。



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