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Quantification of enterococci and bifidobacteria in Georgia estuaries using conventional and molecular methods


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Fecal pollution is a serious threat to the estuarine environment along the Georgia coast. Culture-dependant and molecular methodologies were utilized to compare and evaluate the abundance of fecal indicator bacteria in four Georgia estuaries (Darien River, Frederica River, Gulley Hole Creek, and St. Marys River). The functionality of enterococci and bifidobacteria as indicator organisms in marine environments was assessed, as well as Bifidobocterium adolescentis densities. At each study site, enterococci were enumerated as colony forming units (CFU) on mEI agar. For quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), genus- and species-specific primer sets were used to quantify bifidobacteria and B. adolescentis as 16S rRNA gene copies and enterococci as tuf gene copies. A high correlation (r = 0.925) was observed between CFU and qPCR enumeration of enterococci. Enterococci densities in the estuarine rivers ranged from 3-449 CFU/100 ml on mEI plates and 4.58-5.39 Log_(10) gene copies/100 ml by qPCR. Bifidobacteria densities ranged from 3.62-4.14 Log_(10) gene copies/100 ml and suggested the Frederica River as least affected by fecal bacteria and the Darien River as most affected by fecal pollution. A correlation of 0.46 was observed among qPCR densities of enterococci and bifidobacteria at all sample sites. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction detection of B. adolescentis was a rapid (i.e., less than 2 h) indicator of presumptive human fecal pollution and suggested that Gulley Hole Creek, the Darien River, and the St. Marys River were affected by fecal bacteria derived from a human source. Gulley Hole Creek and the Darien River had the highest levels of fecal pollution detected in the studied estuaries. Molecular quantification of bifidobacteria may be a more accurate method of determining immediate health risks associated with fecal pollution in estuarine water than traditional and contemporary assessments of enterococci.
机译:粪便污染严重威胁着佐治亚州沿海的河口环境。利用依赖于文化的方法和分子方法来比较和评估四个佐治亚河口(达里恩河,弗雷德里卡河,古利霍尔河和圣玛丽斯河)的粪便指示细菌的丰度。评估了肠球菌和双歧杆菌在海洋环境中作为指示生物的功能,以及青春双歧杆菌的密度。在每个研究地点,将肠球菌列举为mEI琼脂上的菌落形成单位(CFU)。对于定量聚合酶链反应(qPCR),使用属和种特异性引物对定量双歧杆菌和青春双歧杆菌为16S rRNA基因拷贝,而肠球菌为tuf基因拷贝。在CFU和qPCR肠球菌计数之间观察到高度相关性(r = 0.925)。通过qPCR,河口河中的肠球菌密度在mEI平板上为3-449 CFU / 100 ml,在4.58-5.39 Log_(10)基因拷贝/ 100 ml之间。双歧杆菌的密度范围为3.62-4.14 Log_(10)基因拷贝/ 100 ml,表明弗雷德里卡河受粪便细菌影响最小,而达里安河受粪便污染影响最大。在所有样本位点,肠球菌和双歧杆菌的qPCR密度之间观察到0.46的相关性。青春双歧杆菌的定量聚合酶链反应检测是推测的人类粪便污染的快速指标(即少于2小时),表明Gulley Hole Creek,Darien河和St. Marys河受到源自粪便细菌的影响人力资源。在研究河口中,居利洞河和达里恩河的粪便污染水平最高。与传统和现代的肠球菌评估相比,双歧杆菌的分子定量可能是一种确定与河口水粪便污染有关的直接健康风险的更准确的方法。



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