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Distribution of Asellus aquaticus and microinvertebrates in a non-chlorinated drinking water supply system - Effects of pipe material and sedimentation


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Danish drinking water supplies based on ground water without chlorination were investigated for the presence of the water louse, Asellus aquaticus, microinvertebrates (<2 mm) and annelida. In total, 52 water samples were collected from fire hydrants at 31 locations, and two elevated tanks (6000 and 36,000 m3) as well as one clean water tank at a waterworks (700 m3) were inspected. Several types of invertebrates from the phyla: arthropoda, annelida (worms), plathyhelminthes (flatworms) and mollusca (snails) were found. Invertebrates were found at 94% of the sampling sites in the piped system with A. aquaticus present at 55% of the sampling sites. Populations of A. aquaticus were present in the two investigated elevated tanks but not in the clean water tank at a waterworks. Both adult and juvenile A. aquaticus (length of 2-10 mm) were found in tanks as well as in pipes. A. aquaticus was found only in samples collected from two of seven investigated distribution zones (zone 1 and 2), each supplied directly by one of the two investigated elevated tanks containing A. aquaticus. Microinvertebrates were distributed throughout all zones. The distribution pattern of A. aquaticus had not changed considerably over 20 years when compared to data from samples collected in 1988-89. Centrifugal pumps have separated the distribution zones during the whole period and may have functioned as physical barriers in the distribution systems, preventing large invertebrates such as A. aquaticus to pass alive. Another factor characterising zone 1 and 2 was the presence of cast iron pipes. The frequency of A. aquaticus was significantly higher in cast iron pipes than in plastic pipes. A. aquaticus caught from plastic pipes were mainly single living specimens or dead specimens, which may have been transported passively trough by the water flow, while cast iron pipes provided an environment suitable for relatively large populations of A. aquaticus. Sediment volume for each sample was measured and our study described for the first time a clear connection between sediment volume and living A. aquaticus since living A. aquaticus were nearly only found in samples with sediment contents higher than 100 ml/m3 sample. Presence of A. aquaticus was not correlated to turbidity of the water. Measurements by ATP, heterotrophic plate counting and Colilert® showed that the microbial quality of the water was high at all locations with or without animals. Four other large Danish drinking water supplies were additionally sampled (nine pipe samples and one elevated tank), and invertebrates were found in all systems, three of four containing A. aquaticus, indicating a nationwide occurrence.
机译:调查了没有氯化的,基于地下水的丹麦饮用水供应中是否存在水虱,水生阿瑟氏菌,无脊椎动物(<2毫米)和an科。总共从31个地点的消防栓中收集了52个水样本,并检查了两个高架水箱(6000和36,000立方米)以及自来水厂的一个净水箱(700立方米)。发现了门上的几种无脊椎动物:节肢动物,an科(蠕虫),蠕虫(扁虫)和软体动物(蜗牛)。在管道系统的94%的采样点中发现无脊椎动物,其中水生曲霉的采样点占55%。在两个被调查的高架水箱中存在水生土壤杆菌的种群,但在自来水厂的清洁水箱中则没有。在水箱和管道中均发现了成年和幼体的水生曲霉(长度为2-10毫米)。仅在从七个调查分布区(1区和2区)中的两个收集的样本中发现了水生土壤杆菌,每个样品直接由两个被调查的装有水生土壤杆菌的高架水箱之一直接提供。微无脊椎动物分布在所有区域。与1988-89年采集的样本数据相比,水曲霉的分布模式在过去的20年中没有发生太大变化。离心泵在整个时期内都分隔了分布区域,并可能在分布系统中充当了物理屏障,从而阻止了大型无脊椎动物如水曲霉存活。区域1和2的另一个特征是铸铁管的存在。在铸铁管中,水生农杆菌的频率明显高于在塑料管中。从塑料管中捕获的水生A. aticticus主要是单个活体标本或死亡标本,它们可能是通过水流被动地通过水槽运输的,而铸铁管则提供了适合相对大量水生A. aticticus的环境。测量了每个样品的沉积物体积,我们的研究首次描述了沉积物体积与活生水曲霉之间的明确联系,因为活生水曲霉几乎仅在沉积物含量高于100 ml / m3的样品中发现。水曲霉的存在与水的浊度无关。通过ATP,异养平板计数和Colilert®进行的测量表明,无论有无动物,水的微生物质量都很高。另外还对其他四个丹麦大型饮用水供应进行了采样(九个管道采样和一个高架水箱),并且在所有系统中均发现了无脊椎动物,其中四分之三包含无水曲霉,表明在全国范围内都有发生。



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