首页> 外文期刊>Water Policy >Factors influencing public perception of drinking water quality

Factors influencing public perception of drinking water quality


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A better understanding of the processes that influence public perception can contribute to improvements innwater management, consumer services, acceptability of water reuse and risk communication, among other areas.nThis paper discusses some of the main variables involved in public perception of drinking water quality. Researchnon this topic suggests that perceptions of water quality result from a complex interaction of diverse factors. Innmany circumstances, the estimation of water quality is mostly influenced by organoleptic properties, in particularnflavour. In addition, a variety of other factors also have an influence on perceptions of quality. These include risknperception, attitudes towards water chemicals, contextual cues provided by the supply system, familiarity withnspecific water properties, trust in suppliers, past problems attributed to water quality and information provided bynthe mass media and interpersonal sources. The role and relevance of these factors are discussed in detail.



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